We had another doctor's appointment yesterday (I am now seeing my doctor twice a week) and Dr. Chisdak basically told us to cool our jets.
First of all, the Labor and Delivery department at the hospital is at its capacity right now. Wednesday night there were 18 babies in the nursery. If I had gone into labor this week, they would have possibly flown me to Billings because of my "high-risk" status and their lack of space/man-power.
Secondly, 3 of the 4 twins Dr. Chisdak has delivered in Bozeman at 36 weeks had to have some form of support...oxygen, feeding tube, treatment for jaundice, etc. before being released to go home. We were under the impression that everything would be hunky-dory if the boys were born at 36 weeks...we were misinformed. Thirty-seven weeks is great - thirty-eight is optimal.
So, despite the fact that I feel like there is absolutely no more room in my belly (my skin is taut, people) and three is definitely a crowd in one body, I am learning to be thankful that I am certainly not in control of when these babies appear. Funny that I am still learning about God's sovereignty in this pregnancy...seeing as how Matt and I weren't planning on getting pregnant and we certainly weren't expecting to have two babies at once. We haven't been in control at any point. Good thing.
Matt and I love that you all check our blog often and post comments...we're enjoying it very much.
I went to a baby shower last night for a male teacher (and his wife) at our school.. it was quite funny to hear the man's perspective. Anyway, while we were at the shower, another teacher's neice was delivering twins - three weeks early. All is well though, and baby fever is in the air here at Arrowhead. I think of you often, and am glad that the boys are taking their time if it means things will be better for you all! Take care!
Great quote, it's good that we struggle with this
Hey Reese - you should get our baby votes from Mom and post them on the site. It would be fun to see what Matt's side of the family guesses.
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