Proud Papa Peter with his son.

Well, we find in ourselves in September already. The boys are now 5 months old. Yes, 5 months! They are such wonderful little guys - happy, smiley, talkative, curious, good-eaters, great sleepers, and they have such distinct personalities from one another.
Smith is my smiley, cuddle-bug. He likes to be held for a bit when he gets up from his naps. He also likes to hear his voice...cooing and ahhing whenever he gets a chance. He's a great napper - taking about 3 naps a day for an hour plus. We no longer need pacifiers - Smith loves his two middle fingers and Mason can't get enough of his thumb.
Mason is becoming less serious and more smiley. He is definitely not a cuddle-bug. When picked up, he's as stiff as a board, wanting to look around and take everything in. He is talking more and laughing when tickled. He's not such a great napper - taking about 3 naps a day for 30 to 45 minutes. However, he's a great night sleeper - going down for the night at 6:30pm and sleeping until 7:30am.
Matt and I are doing's great fun to be the mom and dad of Mason and Smith. We are glad to be past the new baby stage...Peter, Naomi and Kalen are helping us to appreciate our current situation :) I am so thankful for the opportunity to stay home with my two little guys. Can't imagine having to leave them every day to go to work. This momma job is a lot more work than my job at the high school but more fun and definitely more of a challenge. I am learning the tremendous value of having so many fellow mommas as friends. It is nice to be in the company of someone who will not pass judgment on you for the large spit up stain on your shirt or the smear of poo on your pant leg. Our conversation is a bit fragmented - as we are both half talking/listening, half seeing to our children. Naomi, Rebecca, Sara and I used to get together at a small, local coffee shop while our husbands met for fellowship. We had to move to a large, local coffee shop as the car seats, strollers, babies and bellies left little room for other customers.
Matt is finishing up the house he's been framing/siding on the Gallatin. We're not quite sure what the next job will be but we are enjoying the opportunity to exercise our trust in the Lord. Historically, He's got a great track record for taking care of us. Outside of work, Matt and his buddies have been spending quite a bit of time with bull elk. (The wives call their sport "bow-hiking" rather than "bow-hunting" as an elk has yet to be killed.) They are, however, having a lot of fun. Life is good.
Thanks for posting more pictures. Your blog is my second favorite one to check!! Kale is sure lucky to have such great "big brothers" to hang out with. Have a great weekend!
Great stuff kids!
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