Baby Moore was born today! Yeah! I will post pictures as soon as I have some. Quite the story...Peter, Matt, Josh, Dan Barnes and Sam Kavanagh were all hunting in the mountains outside of Ennis (3 hours from Bozeman) when Naomi's water broke on Saturday morning. Cell phone service was minimal at best. So, all the wives left messages on their husband's voicemail hoping someone would check it when they had reception. Josh finally called Rebecca from a ridge around 4pm and learned of the predictament. Peter was, of course, miles away from where Josh, Sam, and Matt were hunting. By the very hand of God, they found Peter, hiked back to camp and made it to the hospital by 8:30pm. Miraculous.
Kalen Charles Moore was born this morning at 6:45am, weighing 7 lbs 2 oz, measuring 18 inches. The boys and I are going to meet him as soon they wake from their nap. We are so excited to meet our new friend!
Hey Reesey I thought I would tell you that you look fabulous! You are one hot mama!
It was good to see you all last weekend. Nice photos. All the best! Ray Lipp
I second Aubyn!! Dang!
I think it is about time for a visit to the beautiful city of Bilings. So pack them babies up and come see us soon!!!! No pressure.....Love you guys
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