As many of you know, the boys and I were in a car accident two weeks ago. I hit a patch of ice and swerved into oncoming traffic at about 30 mph. (Addie posted a picture of my poor Subaru on her blog.) No one was seriously injured - I had a fat lip and some ugly bruises and the boys were thoroughly frightened - minor inconveniences compared to what could have happened. I've been in a few other car accidents, but never with two small infants in the car with me. As I went sliding into the other car, I remember saying out loud, "Oh Jesus, please help us!" All I could think about was my dear little babies. We are so thankful our children were unharmed!
The Subaru was totaled and our car seats were no longer safe - so we were immediately in need of a vehicle and new car seats. Before the accident, Matt and I had been talking about getting a minivan but agreed that we couldn't afford another car payment in our current financial state. Long story short - our friends and families stepped in to help, gifting us enough money to put a substantial down payment on a minivan and purchase new car seats. Thank you everyone!
We love our new minivan! (Yes, I love my minivan!) It has made getting around with two infants so much easier. It drives well, gets good gas mileage, has all the extra options, and easily transports all of us plus strollers, pac-n-plays, bouncy seats, diaper bags, etc. There's a reason minivans are so popular among the family folk. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
Mason and Smith continue to be wonderful little boys. They are a constant source of joy to Matt and me. Mason has finally learned to roll over - a trick that Smith learned nearly 4 months ago. Smith is anxious to crawl and can scoot to grab toys out of reach. Mason is really enjoying eating solid foods...he grunts in between bites, expressing his displeasure at having to wait while I feed Smith his bite. Smitty's raspy breathing is less frequent. They are really starting to interact with one another. What fun it is to watch them "talk" to each other.
Enjoy the following pictures.
Little Smitty-O. His classic expression when he wakes up from his nap. I think he is wanting to look extra precious so I pick him up first.
Mason and his fuzzy little duckling hair.
His hair does that gel, no hair spray.
We have one Exer-Saucer and one Super-Coup. Each boy gets several turns in both throughout the day. Mason can really motor around the kitchen in the Super-Coup. Smitty likes to bounce.
Thanksgiving at the Nutting's house. We miss Lane!
Papa with Mason.
Blake showing Mason his "big rigs".
Our new car seats! I call them our new Lazy Boy seats.
Our new minivan! It's a 2001 Chevy Venture. I think it's hot :).
My bruised leg. Ouchy.
I'm so glad you finally updated! The pictures are great - I love those boys more and more and want to snack on their cheeks. Fun to see you tonight!
So many times we let another day pass, no thinking too much of it..Your car accident was not just another day! Thank God he answered your prayer Reese! Those are great pics, Mason is wild!(hair) and Smith is wild! (eyes)..thanks, and we love you!
I am reminded of Kenny Chesney's song, "She thinks my tractor's sexy". Your minivan is very cool and functional too! Congratulations on becoming a minivan owner. Naomi's mom
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