I thought that as Mason's hair grew longer, it would start to lay flatter. You know, the weight of it would pull it down onto his head. That doesn't seem to be the case...the longer it grows, the higher it stands from the top of his head. We love Mason's mohawk and it helps others distinguish him from Smith more readily.
I grabbed the camera one afternoon after they woke up from their nap. I wanted to snap some candid photos in the wonderful sunlight that pours into their room. There are fewer photos of Smitty because he was less cooperative...he's like his dad :).
Mason has sprouted a sharp little tooth bud. He likes to clamp down on the rubber spoon I use to feed them and then let me drag it over the top of the tooth. This is wildly enjoyable to him for some reason. Smith is also getting a tooth (both of them are getting their front right bottom tooth) but is not as far along in the process.
Due to the fact that Smitty kicked the crap out of me in utero, I thought he would be a bit more troublesome than Mason. We are learning that Smith is actually more fragile than Mason and that Mason is quite mischievous and wily. Of course, this is only true of this week...it may change completely by next week :).
YAY! New post! I love the photos - your boys are very smoochable.
Love the mohawk! They are getting so big! Thanks for the Christmas card too, by the way. Hope all is well!
Someone at work told me "they say that if a baby's hair sticks straight up like that, it means it will be curly." Who knows? Maybe the curly genes skipped Matt and went to Mason...
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