- oatmeal with applesauce, ground flax seed and pear juice
- a buttery croissant with Nutella (yummm.)
- spinach puree with applesauce
- mixed veggie puree with lentils
- vanilla yogurt
- half a peanut butter/jelly sandwich
- Doritos
- Diet Pepsi
- Carrot puree with lentils
- Multi-grain cereal with silken tofu
- yogurt with pureed prunes
- BBQ shrimp tacos
- black beans
- Corona

Smiggy, awake from his nap and ready to be goofy. (Who would've thought that my children would have such beautiful brown eyes?! I thought blue was the dominant gene but I was wrong.)

Since Smiggs has been crawling for weeks, we've been trying to encourage Mason to follow suit. I put Mason on his hands and knees to get him started and he immediately locked his knees. He held this position for a surprisingly long time.

A close up of the 'hawk.

I put them both in Smiggy's crib for a bit while I tended to the endless laundry. They enjoyed it for quite a while...

How quickly things change!

Smiggs. So handsome.

Last week, we had a string of lovely warm days. We took advantage of the sun and took long walks each day.

"How big is Smiggy?" This big!

If he could talk, I think he would be saying, "Yes, my hair sticks up in a funny way...lad-dee-friggin-da!" Just a guess.
Bravo!! I love these pictures - they are really showing their personalities. It was great to visit last weekend. Thanks for enduring the antics we bring with us. Even I never knew what my dad would become in front of his grandkids. :)
I have nothing really note worthy to say but I just wanted you to know I still exsist as well :) love you!
that last comment is from Lindsey K by the way!!
I love pictures that make me giggle aloud when I'm all by myself...this sure did it!
I'm impressed with what they are eating (of course at this point they don't have a choice). Did you get this from that book you were reading? Toby is past eating anything and everything...now he shows his preference...and when he doesn't want something, he just opens his mouth and lets it all run off of his tongue and onto his shirt (also a way of saying "all done").
I absolutely love the hawk by the way!
wonderful! I've missed you all so much this week! We are home now and can't wait to see you. Love this pictures and the meal comparisons.
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