First of all, as I made pretty clear in the last post, Spring hasn't yet sprung here in Bozeman. In fact, it has snowed 5 out of the last 7 days...awesome. The boys and I are tired of being cooped up in our house. We want sun!
Secondly, the weather has kept us from our walks, so I must exercise in my living room. I don't mind doing it in the winter, but I get bored come March. I've memorized all my workout DVDs and I'm beginning to hate Denise Austin :).
Lastly, and this might be the most influential on my mood, I've started weaning myself off my anti-depressant. It has been my plan to stop taking Lexapro when the boys stop breast-feeding. After the boys turn one (April 30), I will gradually stop breast-feeding. Anyway, I've cut my Lexapro dose in half these past two weeks. So far so good...I'm not feeling the extreme rage I experienced last time I tried to stop medicating. Actually, the extreme rage I felt was quite comical. I recall, with a smile, the time my kitchen drawer wouldn't shut. Wanting the satisfaction of a loud BANG when I shut the drawer, I grew very angry when it wouldn't close or bang. So, to satisfy this desire, I went around slamming the doors of my cabinets...hard. I felt better afterwards...but silly. Anyway, not experiencing that this time.
Mason and Smith recently had their first haircuts. They were very professional about the whole affair and are looking more and more like little boys - less and less like little babies. Enjoy!

Hey Reese,
I think it's cute that Smith sucks on his middle and ring finger. Check out my blog to see my little guy's new haircut. It's true that it makes them looka lot older!
Great hair-cut pics. Soon it will be nice Reese....hang in there!
I would just like to say that your "extreme crabbiness" is downright cute when compared to, oh, say...mine. I don't get rage, but I often live in the crabbies.
Hey - Smitty suck s the same fingers I did when I was a kid. He must be a genius or something :)
Judy T
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