Reese: I remember what I was doing. Do you remember what you were doing on this day, four years ago? (Emphatic pause) You were recovering from a hangover and meeting with your accountant to finally finish filing your taxes.
Matt: (Emphatic pause) Yeah, things have changed a bit since then, huh?
Today marks our fourth anniversary. Nothing big planned for the day, but tomorrow Jenny Schuyler will be in town to watch the boys while my honey and I hit the town for dinner and drinks. You can expect another blog update by Friday morning. Happy Anniversary to us!

Yes, happy anniversary to you! I can't believe it's been four years. That's crazy. Enjoy your time, and I hope Jenny visits often, for your sake!
Happy Anniversary!
you guys are old.
A verry merry anniver-serry (maybe I should use that rhyming site you referenced earlier, eh?)!! I had the time of my life at your reception (I am told.. now if only those details weren't so fuzzy...). Love you both, and adore the picture. Congratulations!
Hey Reese,
Matt sounds very sweet to even think back to you getting ready for your big day. It sounds like he had quite the bachelor's party too. Anyhow, happy anniversary. I think back to when the two of you "went out" in Jr. high...and how much has changed since way back then. Could you ever imagine it would all turn out like this? How fun.
Happy Anniversary Reese and Matt, Hope you have a wonderful evening.
Happy Anniversary! I also remember what I was doing that morning: playing in the hotel pool.
Your wedding was very beautiful and Congratulations on 4 years!
I remember what a great day that was. Congrats and I hope you continue to enjoy the ride!
Happy Anniversary to both of you. Jenny will take good care of those boys, so you can have a nice evening. See you real soon.
Love Laurie
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