Some days I am confident that everything will work out and we will be settling in to our new home soon. Other days, I am not so sure. I am sure, however, that I am at peace with either outcome. True, it is my strong desire to own the house on Wildflower. I will be heartily disappointed if we are unable to purchase the house...but I have learned enough to know that my desire of something is not necessarily a good indicator of what is best or what my Father has in store for me. And He has given me grace enough to desire His best and not merely what I want. So there is peace in my heart...despite the anxiety. Thank you all for your encouragement, your prayers, and your excitement. I'm off to pack another box of "faith".
Mason and Smith were a pair of dice for Halloween. I can't take credit for the idea - it was my friend Alison's. However, I can take credit for pulling their costumes together last minute using recycled cardboard, a sharpee, and black pants and shirts. Voila. We hit downtown Bozeman - didn't score much candy but received lots of attention, smiles, and "Are they twins?" Seriously folks...isn't obvious?
In order to get them to leave the board around their neck, I had to bribe/distract them with candy. Worked like a charm.
Snack time. To my surprise, the little guys just sat down, side-by-side, and ate their snack. They usually take-off into the living room to smear their crumby faces all over my furniture and leak their milk onto my carpet. Ha!
Mason and Smith were a pair of dice for Halloween. I can't take credit for the idea - it was my friend Alison's. However, I can take credit for pulling their costumes together last minute using recycled cardboard, a sharpee, and black pants and shirts. Voila. We hit downtown Bozeman - didn't score much candy but received lots of attention, smiles, and "Are they twins?" Seriously folks...isn't obvious?
Funny little clip of M feeding S cheerios. They were quite entertained with this little ritual.
The little poll I conducted was interesting. 41% of you think M and S are fraternal. I am starting to think they may be identical. Also, for all of you who voted that they are "paternal" - paternal is not a correct term for classifying twins. Now you know!
I'm glad i didn't fall into that "paternal" trap! I like the term tho..."paternal trap"...i think we have been there!
Laurie does the same thing with her socks, and can be bribed with candy
You should say "no" when people ask if they are twins and just see what they say. And Toby does the same thing with socks too. But when he would wake up from his nap, he would point to the wall behind his crib to let me know that that is where he threw his socks.
Reese, what a great idea with the dice costumes! I just love those boys! They are the best! So much fun to see their personalities at the library.
Love your faith packing too. Life lessons all around us and God is right there in the middle of it! See you soon. Love, mom
I told my co-workers about the pair of dice and they all agreed it was genius. I have no kids of my own so I usually end up talking about M and S, Blake or Kale to try and fit in :). I have no plans to get to Bozeman as of yet, but it wouldn't take much to get me there! Let me know if you are planning any girls weekends and I would love to get in on the action. I think we should plan a prepare-Reese-for-Hawaii party. We could drink fruity concoctions, it would be fun.
I thought Noah's hands were getting too cold at night so I put socks on them. When I went in later to check on him both socks were off and waaayy on the other side of the crib. I have no idea how he did it, but I never tried the socks again. He also is not a fan of pants. The only socks I got him to wear so far are the Life is good socks we got from Monica. I'm afraid to wash them b/c I might lose them since there so small.
Reese, it's been two weeks since your last blog...come on!!
Reesie- it's so fun reading your blog - I haven't checked in for awhile and am excited about all the new happenings. I will pray that the Lord gives you the home. It is lovely. And the house that Matt built???? Holy cow - the wood is fabulous - and the view. He does beautiful work.
Love seeing your kiddos growing - they are precious. Miss you guys - Judy
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