A few weeks ago, I noticed a sewage-y smell in the guest bathroom...and the cause isn't as obvious as you're thinking it is. It seemed to come and go - sometimes I noticed it while doing laundry (the laundry closet is located in the bathroom) and sometimes I smelled it while giving the boys a bath and sometimes I couldn't smell it at all. No matter, smelling "poo" when there's none to be found is a bad sign.
Matt decided today was a good day to sniff out the culprit...forgive the poor pun. After demolishing a small portion of tile, the odor grew in strength and lost its mystery...soggy tile + soggy grout + soggy sub-floor = nasty smell and bad news. By the end of the day, all the tile/grout/backer had been scraped up, the washing/dryer machines moved into the guest room, and the leaky pipe causing the problem located. Awesome. So we will be replacing the pipe and the floor. Awesome. Sigh...


To escape the smell/noise/mess, I took the boys to Burger King to play on the indoor playground and eat lunch (and when I say lunch, I mean ketchup sucked off french fries).

Amos-Moses is very helpful. Here he is helping Dad scrape the floor with his play screw driver.

Here he is measuring the wall with his ruler...very helpful.
****Flashback to a better day...New Year's Eve:

l t0 r: Naomi, Peter, Sara, Sam and Matt. We had the luxury of enjoying New Year's without all the little ones.

Naomi and Josh impersonating Marlon Brando...N didn't know who he was, hence her lack of action. We talked the boys into playing Cranium.

Me, Sara, Rebecca.
Happy Weekend!
Bummer of a floor mess! Good thing Matt is so dang handy! I can't wait to see you in a month. Call me!
Aw Shit! Literally. I'm sorry your new house is causing more work and worry. Once you fix the little problems though it will be a real dream. I love you and your Christmas shirt looks really cute on you : )
Boo on the floor. I'm sorry! Yay for helpers who suck on ketchup.
Can't wait to be back and play with you and them and all. Wish we'd been there for Cranium and the part-ay, but there will certainly be more, I'm sure.
I miss you guys a lot!
What a fun thing to discover. It's a good thing that you have Matt around to fix things like that! It's cute that the boys like to help so much. Well how are you guy's? Congrats on the house! I have finally started a blog myself so you will have to check it out. Jessie
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