I think the person who coined the phrase "A picture says a thousand words" must have been lazy. Or maybe, I'm just lazy? Who wants to come up with or write a thousand words when you can just push a button and take a photo? Or in my case,
post a photo...enjoy my laziness.

Papaw Dave and Mason at the Journey Easter egg hunt. 40, 000 plastic eggs and nearly as many people. Next year, we will host an Easter egg hunt at our house - less people, more fun.

As if they could get any cuter, M and S have begun to hold hands - in parking lots, crossing the street, walking to the car. I give them the option to hold my hand or each other's hand...they choose each other. Walking into the Emerson for the wedding.

I have shamefully few pictures of the wedding and even less of the lovely bride and handsome groom. I'll share what I've got. Rebecca and Lizabeth....L is not sure she wants her picture taken.

Mason and Matt.

Nephew and Father-of-the-Bride, Smith and Papaw Scott.

One of the few pictures of my sweetie and I where his eyes are open, he's smiling, and I look decent. It's clear we were having a good time at the wedding. I was told that it was an emotional ceremony...I didn't have the opportunity to shed any tears as I was wrangling two two-year-olds. Matt and I resorted to fruit snacks and sunglasses to keep them occupied and it worked...sorta. The wedding was certainly a great celebration and we are thrilled with our new brother-in-law.

Hannah and Aubyn.

The Easter weekend was crammed with wedding festivities so I held off giving the boys their Easter pails until the following Monday morning. Smith is eyeballing the chocolate carrots.

Mason enjoyed the stickers, flashlight, and candy - but he liked the paper grass the best...figures.

Mason, after consuming the chocolate carrot.

M, playing it cool, sporting the silly hat that Grammie Laurie gave him. (Laurie, I will send you copies of the pictures :)

Smiggy and his hat.

A friend returned the bouncy/vibrating baby seat we loaned her. My guys have taken a renewed interest in the seat, lounging in it throughout the day. Smith.


Oh, the novelty of pockets in toddler clothing. Very cool dudes.
My little monkeys making funny faces at the dinner table.
My little monkeys jumping on their beds.
It is really amazing how much Mason looks like you when he makes his silly face. Especially for those of us that knew you when you were that age (or at least know the pictures)! What cuties you have! I can't wait to see what you come up with this time!
If this crib's a-rockin'....
Those boys could not be any cuter. I don't think I could love them any more than I do! Their obvious delight in holding hands on the way to the party Monday tickled me pink.
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