(It's been a month since my last post - yikes. Sawyer turns two-months-old on Thursday - yikes. )
Some things I'm loving right now...
- Mr. Two-Months-Old slept from 9:30pm to 7:30am last night without waking. Boo yeah! That's 10 hours of pure and precious sleep. Of course, I didn't get 10 hours of uninterrupted sleep. No, I got up several times to make sure my babe was still alive - still breathing and all that stuff. He was.
- I set the boys up with paper and markers yesterday, and Matt and I sat down to draw with them. You can see what the boys and I drew:
Mason's drawing is the top left, Smith's is the green, and mine is obvious (Yes, I accidentally drew one of my children with three legs). Here is Matt's:
Love it.

- Sawyer's precious baby feet...especially his pinky toe and its teeny-tiny toenail. It reminds me that my Almighty God sees to all the details of my life...even my son's perfect baby toe.
- Bribing my children with candy ("nee-nee") in an effort to potty train them. After successfully peeing in the potty, they will run about, naked from the waist down, squealing, "I peeeeeed! I peeeeed! Dada, I peed! Nee-nee?" I will have to capture it on video to share with the world - it's awesome.
- Family. I don't know what would become of me without the help of my family (both sides). I might implode without them. Phone calls, prayers, encouragement, Godly counsel -yes, but also the dirty day-to-day stuff...poopy diapers, laundry, meals, babysitting, bathing the monkeys, entertaining the monkeys...etc. Thank you, to all of you, for helping me...I am loving you right now and always. And if you ask me if I need help and I say "no"...I'm lying.
My little monkeys caring for their little monkeys. They hug and kiss them, they change dirty diapers, and Smith has started to "nurse" his baby monkey via his belly-button (much to Matt's chagrin). Loving it.
Yahoo , you got some time to update and it's great. I even made face time. I can't wait to see all the little love monkeys. Matt I did not know you had artistic ability. Your elk was proportionate and so real like! Love you Mason, Smith, and Sawyer, you too Reese and Matt.
I liked your stick-figure tatas. You are really a talented bunch. As usual, we laughed out loud at most of your content. Thank you. Love you.
Hey Reese, I'm so glad you found time to post, but I'm going to have to give you a thumb down for not posting a picture of Sawyer. I've been looking and looking, patiently waiting for an updated picture. I suppose I could forgive you this once and acknowledge that every bit of your energy probably went in to that post. I will keep checking back next month.
Cute boys. I can't believe they are potty training already. I'm starting to think I'll be wiping a ten year old's butt.
This post was worth the wait. It had all kinds of media, and impressive drawings! and all while being as busy as a bee. good work!
Reese, Matt, Monkees 1-2 &3! Love what you love! It is so fun to relive thru you some of the stuff all mommies do! I also would have to get up and check the babes to make sure they were breathing! Marker day is a big deal especially if dad joins in! I love that your boyz try to nurse their monkeys while your husband draws elk with bloody bullet holes! Good contrast! Hee! Hee! Waiting to see Sawyer at 2 months! Great post! Thanks!
I can't see why people get the twins confused. Obviously they're not identical; one of them has three legs!
Matts Elk has a wierd hind foot, and no tail
Love the new pictures. And I miss the whole family.
Love Laurie
hi hi i miss the boy boys even though it's been mere days since we were looking through my purse at "pink" and "beener" and and and...i'm thinking a night out on the town for mom and dad is in order and beer mmmm beer. okay i'll stay behind and love on the boys yes, yes i will. you have my number :)
Mason and Smith and the many, many animals lined up on the tiles is so precious! Loved every word and photo!
In lieu of pics of Sawyer, I'll take him in person! Only one more week till I can nibble on his toes and smell his little baby scent. I'm so excited for your visit!
YAY for an update! I love it all, especially the drawings. And maybe that isn't a third leg, but an actual tail?
Those boys melt my heart. You can leave them with more, schedules permitting. I love them so!
OMG! I can't believe Sawyer slept through the night! WOW! THIS IS A REALLY BIG DEAL!
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