I have no pictures to prove it, but Sawyer and I had a delightful visit with the Freese family in Denver. Sawyer was a champ on the short flight - sleeping the whole way, and was generally easy and happy all weekend long. We enjoyed many of my favorite things...
- Hannah, Jarred and Noah
- Good coffee
- Delicious meals prepared for me (not by me)
- A bit of frivolous $pending
- A much needed break from my daily routine and two noisy boys :)
My little Sunshine. At his 2 month appointment, he was 13 lbs 10 oz...90% for height and weight and 50% for his head circumference. He's a big boy! Becca's little guy, Hank, is a big boy, too, and we joke that we are raising up Bozeman High's future defensive line :).
Both Grammie's sent Halloween goodies and the monkeys have had days of fun playing with their "pesents" (presents).
What a great bunch of kids you have! I think Rob's moniker - the Schuyler mob - is perfectly apt.
Adorable! I love the pictures, especially the disguises, so cute. I'm glad you had a nice time in Denver, we missed you guys this weekend.
They are so wonderful. I'm glad you were able to get away from it all for a while and spend some one on one time with little bean. I'm thinking I should take a "mental health" day soon and come visit my shmoopsies so you can have a day of freedom.
Glasses with fake noses will never go out of style, they are still hilarious. Laugh out loud hilarious!!!
They look like little men! I can't believe it. I miss you! Thanks for the great pictures.
that one of Sawyer looks just like Matt
I've been waiting for those pictures! I absolutely melt when I see the twins and their antics now I'm melting when I get to look at "Bubba's" smile! What a great mob of monkees you got going there!
Heart-meltingly perfection.
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