Right now I am...
Marveling ...at God's creative genius in making boys so characteristically boy. I am loving all the shooting, fighting, web-slinging, good guys/bad guys, superhero-mania that goes on around here. This stuff is just in them - they didn't get it from me.
Thankful ...for the ingenuity of a four-year old. "This track isn't quite as long as I'd like it...I think I'll just use firewood to make it longer."
Daydreaming ... about the little person I am carrying and how he/she has always been a part of our family. I am also curious about which finger(s) he/she will suck :).

Baby #4

Enjoying ...the brighter mornings thanks to daylight savings. It is ever so much easier to get this heavy body out of bed when it's not pitch dark outside.
Embracing ...the advent of snow and the cold months to come. It's amazing how novel something can become when you haven't seen it for 5 or 6 months. These boys of mine are helping me to welcome the snow with a happy heart - they love to shovel, make footprints, wield icicle swords, go 'hunting' in the backyard and would wear their snow-pants all.day.long. if I let them.
Indeed you are blessed. And I am blessed to call you friend. Thanks for reminding me to marvel, be thankful, enjoy, embrace, ponder and count my blessings. :)
Boys Will Be Boys. It is so true. Loved spending last weekend with you guys.
Ugh, snow.
I love their fighting spirit. Men like to conquer, it is just in them and your boys are going to be great adventurers.
Reese, my heart skips a beat every time you update -- I love it! I love your family, I love your attitude, and I love your perspective. Those boys are the greatest little men I've ever met. I can't wait to meet little number four. Enjoy that snow, it looks fun!
Your love and perspective of your family is just so sweet and dear to me! I love to see and hear how much life is being enjoyed on "Wildflower Way!" Thanks for taking the time to share it all with us! We love you and your incredible family!!
Ditto everything everyone else said. I only just saw that you posted (are you sneaky and get it started one day, then publish a day or two later?).
Thanks for the time and talking today. I sure love you.
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