Friday, August 31, 2012

Resident story-teller, lover of snacks and his thumb, sassy and sweet, fearless and fun...our Sawyer Eames turned 3!
We celebrated at a park in Billings a week before his actual birthday with Grammie Schuyler, the Wilsons, Grammie and Papa Myers and Aunt Meg. I bought cupcakes from the fancy-schmancy cupcake shop...they were quite tasty but the $3/piece price tag was lost on the little people.
Back in Bozeman, we celebrated on his actual birthday (well, actually, the day before...the weather was due to turn crummy on his birthday) at the splash park with our friends. We enjoyed a picnic dinner on a hot, sunny afternoon.
The lovely Naomi holding my babe. I am thankful, this time around, that my friends do NOT also have an infant. They are so helpful and come to my aid before I even have to ask.
Oh, boy. Boy, oh boy, oh boy.
Two of my children are cautious when it comes to water, one is not. Guess who. He's waiting for that cone full of water to dump on his head.
Chocolate Zucchini cake with chocolate icing. I got a little carried away while drizzling the icing. Look at Silvy's face. He is serious about his desserts. (Aside: Matt started calling Sawyer "Silver" a while back. I think due to his silver-ish hair color. It morphed into Silvy and Silverson. We're weird.)
Our Silvy.

Three is...

riding your bike using the pedals - no more flinstone feet
burrowing into your "nest" on the couch to watch Curious George in the morning
using the phrase, "For the record..." correctly and emphatically
Saying "Pwease" and "Fanx"
fighting bad guys, snakes, and spiders like a ninja
being obsessed with super-heroes
sneaking up on your mom and then giggling, "Just teasin' ya." 
difficult and wonderful and exhausting and comical

Sawyer Eames, we love you so!



lanerdoo said...

Awesome. I especially like the "three is" part, what a punkin. I still owe him his b-day present. Nothing like prolonging the fun ;)

Grammie Perrine said...

I love your weird nicknames for your boys...makes me smile!

Momica said...

Soy boy is all that mom knows and more. His imagination soars when not reigned by truth isms
. Hahahaha love those boys so much!

Kayla Powell said...

We love him too! Thanks for the updates -- always love reading them!

Janelle Wilson said...

For the record... I think he may be a genius. Love him very much, and was thrilled to be able to be a part of the festivities! Happy day, Soy-boy!

Unknown said...

Test from iPad.