Thursday, June 13, 2013

HIghlight reel

 Here are some highlights from April, May and part of June. Oi.

Mason and Smith turned 6! Per their usual, they both requested brownies rather than cake. We celebrated at Chuck E Cheese first (no pics of that) and then finished up at Ma & Pa Myers' for dessert, fire, and presents.

The men enjoying the new fire-pit at my folks'. The pics don't show it, but Ma and Pa Sky, Ma and Pa Myers, the Wilsons, one Bedford, and all the Perrines joined us in celebrating Mason and Smith...and braved Chuck E Cheese on a Saturday night. Thanks all!

 In a surprising twist, our boys are really into Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Most of their gifts were TMNT themed. Here I am feeling extremely jealous of Mason's nun-chucks. They were first introduced to the Turtles by Matt, who felt Ninjago (lego ninjas) were silly and mutant ninja turtles were awesome. Obviously.

This little-big one continues to bring us much joy and laughter and sweetness. It's good to have a "baby" around. Wherever we go, he makes friends quickly - grabbing onto stranger's legs, petting large dogs, sitting with anyone with snacks at the park, stealing random water bottles for a drink. Last week, there was a kind mama sitting on the floor nursing her baby while her toddler played nearby at the toy store. Gunner just toddled right over to her and sat in her lap...for a while. People say, "Oh, he thinks I'm you (Me)"...nope, he just loves everyone. And he makes eye contact right away - which is unusual for a 16 month-old. His blue-eyes-like-his-mama are an unexpected, but much loved, gift from my gracious God. 


May was both unusually hot and cold. I found kid-sized work gloves and it was the best $5 I've ever spent. There's something about work gloves that inspires my boys to work - digging, building, collecting, sweeping, destroying. You know what they say about idle hands...

The warmer weather inspired many games of basketball. Love how the twins set up chairs for spectating.
Gunner George ate and enjoyed many a Nutella-covered banana.

Ma and Pa Myers came up for a visit - we have such great families. And really, what Grammie could stay away from these rosy-cheeked little cherubs?
Me and my littles enjoyed the last few days of our routine while the bigs were at school: cartoons, errands, naps, Target/Costco, etc. 
 The last day of school! We met Naomi and her crew at the Hawaiian Ice stand for a last-day-of-school treat.
 I am approaching summer with both joy and trepidation. I am excited for my boys to soak up all the awesomeness of summer, especially now that the bigs are school-bound. However, having all four boys home all day, every day, is...well, a lot. We'll find a rhythm that works, no doubt, and I'll start enjoying a glass of wine earlier and earlier. ha.
I am still mindful of being in the pictures rather than always just taking them. I think I've improved in this area. (See here.)

Lots of other stuff happened in the past few months, like basketball, t-ball, no broken bones, Gunner's official asthma diagnosis, a camping trip. Hopefully, I'll be here in this space again soon!


gailzee said...

You are the most beautiful momma inside and out! What a wonderful opportunity to look into your home with all of it's "life" taking shape! I loved the post and the pictures and the narrative...thank you once again for sharing!

Laurie said...

Love Love Love! What an amazing family you have(said the Grammie)

Grammie Perrine said...

Ditto what Auntie Gail said....