Unfamiliar with such things? I envy you.
I joke. Matt loves to bowhunt and when he loves something, he pursues and enjoys it whole-heartedly. (Have you heard how long and arduously he pursued me to marry him? :) It's a characteristic I've always loved about him. Of the 23 days we've had of September, he's hunted 12 of them. And he will hunt 3 more days in September; and then there's October...
Anyway, all that to say that I am one tired mama of three active boys and blogging is pretty low on the list of priorities. During bow season, my biggest priority is SURVIVAL. So far so good. :) I look forward to not-so-many years from now when my boys can accompany their father on his hunting adventures. Down the road, September will likely be my favorite time of year, too.
My Mason. He directed the styling of this photo - he wanted to be sucking his beloved thumb and holding his beloved blankie...no smiles, no saying "cheese". He spends many minutes throughout the day in this position.
After a few different poses, Smiggy opted for the eyes-closed-while-sucking-his-fingers-and-holding-his-'baby' pose. What goofy boys!
A few weeks ago, while Matt was somewhere in the mountains tracking elk, I sent M and S off to Billings to enjoy some time with both sets of grandparents. One of the nights, I put my baby to bed and invited my friends over for a late home-cooked meal. The wine, conversation, and laughter flowed freely and we even dined by candlelight. Fancy, I know.
M and S started gymnastics this fall. They are learning how to jump on an enormous trampoline, scoot across the balance beam, balance on the balance ball, forward roll (somersault), and other gymnastic-y things. More importantly, they are learning to wait their turn, to listen to and follow directions from an adult other than me, to interact with other unfamiliar kiddos, to practice self-control (they would jump on the trampoline non-stop without teacher intervention), and how to be a decent human being even when I am not present to remind them how. Ahem.
Enjoy the videos. They were my inspiration for the post title.
First of all, did you see how good our posture was in the candlelit dinner! I'm proud of us!
Second, I am sure that the twins will be running from Sawyer. He can hold his own.
Third, I love their art direction and dance moves. I am convinced that they've learned all that from Matt.
I've always wanted to try canning, maybe you can teach me?
Those kids have wicked moves and some wicked good looks. Way to go, Reese! Miss you guys!
The dance moves are from Matt. Though we haven't seen those moves in awhile.
Oh, Reese. My condolences for you during this difficult time of year. At least you can be comforted knowing that hunting is a SEASON, where fishing knows no limits. Sigh.
And dang, that's a lot of elbow in the second video! Impressive moves for all the fellas. I'm also so proud of them for being good listeners at gymnastics. Way to go, boys!
Gotta love a man that smells like elk urine and boys who can shake their booties!
Thanks for the laughs. Your boys are a hoot! How fun, for all of you, that the boys are in gymnastics. It gives them an outlet, and you a little break :)
The first video looked a little goth, angry mosh-pit, headbanging etc. The second made me think of a lumberjack. Don't ask, it just did.
All 3 videos had me laughing out loud! When do we get to see Mama's moves? :)
Those boys are dancing with happy feet and arms! It appears to come naturally, and I hope they continue to dance for forever... even when they find out white person dancing looks awkward. Like in Junior high?
I bet just a little more Sawyer dancing will strengthen up those legs and he will be walking around in no time! While singing his alphabet!
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