I don't know if it's the most wonderful time of the year, (I'm thinking the most wonderful time is some time in July, when it's 80 degrees and I'm sipping a margarita, but hey, that's just me.) but it's pretty darn good. There's something very satisfying about sitting in front of the fire after playing in the cold, sipping wine, and admiring the soft glow of the Christmas tree...even if it's only for 2 seconds. (Have you noticed that my favorite moments always include sipping an alcoholic beverage? Have two 3 year-old boys and a toddler and then you can judge me - or join me :))

Our beautiful tree.
We purchased a tree this year, rather than cutting one down, and I must say, (and have said over and again to my husband) it is the most beautiful tree we've ever put up. He's in denial, but you just can't find this kind of tree in the wild. Anyway, the picture makes the decorations look sparse, but the silver/white/snowflake/star theme I have going on is so lovely.

The mantle.
I finally got around to making Sawyer a stocking this year...poor kid. The spray-paint is still drying on his "S" so it's not yet hanging with his stocking. I made the stockings out of linen using a free pattern from Amy Butler's website (see sidebar). I love how simple and non-fussy they look.

I found this small artificial tree at Salvation Army for $5. The boys decorated it with their ornaments (boyish ornaments I picked up at a dept store after Christmas for cheap-o) and we placed it in their room atop their dresser. Initially, I put mini-LED lights on the tree as a festive night-light, but it was too terribly bright and not at all conducive to sleep.
Side-note: Mason is wearing his snowpants inside, over his clothes. He likes to do this, even when he is sweaty and needing to pee. He quickly dismisses my suggestion to just wear them outside...this suggestion is unreasonable/intolerable to him. Ahem.

I made
these delicious cookies for a cookie swap party. I will be making them again and again. They're that good.

Matt and his guys had some time to kill in between jobs, so they spent a few days re-siding my little house! Yahoo! They also tore off the awful front porch. The makeover is not yet complete, but worry not, I will post before/after photos when everything is done. The siding is all up but we still need to paint and build a new porch. That handsome, strapping young man in the picture is my sweetie. :)

Mason and Smith couldn't be happier that their house is dad's (occasional) job-site. They spend most of their waking hours outside "working". This made me very happy, too. :)
The older two monkeys have learned the Pledge of Allegiance at play-dough church (BSF). If your day was lacking some cuteness, I'm happy to share mine.
here i was thinking smith is so pious...under god...under god...under god...and then near the end i realized he wanted it to be over so quickly so that he could watch himself.
they are both stinkin' cute! i'm babysitting a puppy over christmas. perhaps they'll have to help me with the puppy!
That pledge is great, house looks good getting make-over, and yes a little alcohol is nice
I'll never judge you. For booze, at least.
Those cookies WERE that good, and I just could NOT get the first video to load. it kept taking me to a big version of your cookies! Has anyone else been able to watch it? Now that I know it's out there, I MUST SEE IT. I love those boys so so much.
Those boys are yummy. I love those videos. Maybe we all need to learn from Smith and remember that this nation is UNDER GOD.
The house looks good and so do the tree, stockings and snow pants. Getting a little sweaty never hurt anyone.
I too had trouble loading the first video, took me to the big cookie pic as well. Reese, everything looks lovely at your place. I agree with the joy of sitting in the glow of the Christmas tree! You know how to make our day!
And by the way, I showed the video to pretty much ALL of my coworkers today, showing off my brilliant nephews. :)
Oh this was such a good post! I love that top picture too and how Sawyer has learned well from his big brudders how to also suck his thumb.
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