Oh, my little Soy-man. Let's see, he is
- wanting to do whatever M and S are doing
- acquiring many new words each day
- hitting his head less often (thank goodness!)
- outgrowing all his clothes - he is a chunk
- finally loving his blankie
However, he would have nothing to do with it - I placed it in his crib every nap/night and it would be thrown out on the floor within minutes. About a month ago, he realized M and S both had beloved blankies and suddenly his became quite dear. He drags it about the house, snuggles underneath it to sleep, and covers his lap with it when being read a story. It is no small thing to this mama that he loves something she has made.
After devouring one cookie, he asked for another and I said 'no more'. A few moments later, Sawyer finds me putting away laundry in the bedroom. Holding another cookie in his chocolatey mitts, he smiles and proudly says, "Hi!" Cheeky little bugger managed to grab another cookie off the counter and couldn't resist showing his mama. I guess I'm thankful he hasn't learned how to be sneaky like the other two yet. :)
These two still enjoy most of the same activities, and they play well together a good portion of the day. But as they grow, their individuality grows too. Mason will only wear 'work' pants (jeans) that snap. Smith feels jeans are too tight and will only wear elastic waste cargo pants. Chocolate milk is M's pick for lunch; S insists on orange juice. I know these are small, ordinary differences but, up until recently, they have always wanted the same of everything so it is a significant shift in the way of things around here. Keeps me on my toes.
I took the older two to a coffee shop and then to the morning concert for a date. Smith is enjoying a cinnamon-sugar muffin.
Mason opted for a scotch-a-roo at 9 in the morning (gag). The concert was short and Harry Potter themed so the monkeys enjoyed it. Smith whispered several times during the concert, "Mom, I like to take a date with you." Sweet boys. I know this won't always be the case, so I am dreaming up many more dates.
It's been so stinkin' cold lately that we haven't been able to get outside as much as is necessary. I've been inspired by this Winter Manifesto to keep a positive attitude toward the evil that is winter. :)
I believe they're singing, "We will! We will!" I love how they pause their playing while Smith turns the page...as if they're actually reading the music. Oh, monkeys.
Loved the video. I downloaded a Steve Green kids song "Do everything without complaining, do everything without arguing, so that you can become blameless and pure children of God" (phillipians)and it sings these lyrics over and over! The other one is (ephesians)"Children obey your parents and the Lord for this is right" over and over and over and over. I put it on in the car and just sing and sing to it. We'll see if my scheming works. I also downloaded Mumford and Sons for me.
Busy busy times at your home. I LOVE that video. You are amazing. I can't believe you have time to paint, and I am so glad that Sawyer has a friend. I think you and Matt should sing that song. WE WILL, WE WILL, WE WILL, get through this.
oops, that last comment was from me and not Dave. Sorry
I think they are wanting to be singers like their auntie. All these pics and updates make my heart full, and even though I know it is a LOT (especially in these ridiculously long winters) with those munchkins, they are perfectly dear and you are quite nearly perfectly patient.
At least, whenever I am around. :)
Love peeking in on your wonderful family... PS I do not think I have EVER painted unless the house was completely empty (pre-moving in) AND I had help! All you Myers girls sing, right? Perhaps your families will become the next Osmonds?
those are beautiful boys, reese!
I love your posts! Those kids are just amazing- not surprising knowing who their parents are.
Congratulations for almost making it through yet another winter, soon summertime complete with campfires and suntans will ensue! Keep that in mind and hang in there :) We miss you!
Hilarious. I especially liked the dino-cairn. That is so cute. If your babes can't appreciate your homemade goods, you are welcome to send them my way. I promise to cherish them all!
Sneaky Sawdawg and his cookies, no wonder his clothes are so little on him :)
Your boys are a handful for sure but, you have amazing composure and control. I admire you to no end, YOU GOT THIS!
they are all so big. This means it has been too long since I have seen them! Way to keep positive on the winter. And for the record I liked the blue paint. Love you!
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