Well, May has come and gone.
Just like that - the (many) rainy days of May have passed.
Let's review it, shall we?

The rains came after a few days of unusually strong winds. Gusty winds that made most outdoor activities unbearable...except kite flying of course. Mason had been 'working' in the garage, hence the tool-belt and tools, when I suggested flying his kite. He dropped what he was doing and having something new to focus on, a colorful whipping turtle, he didn't even notice the wind.

Turns out our backyard is perfect for flying a kite - not many trees and room to run. I took a turn with the flying turtle and quite enjoyed myself. This photo displays the freshly re-sided house and the desperately-needing-new-paint garage. We have recently painted both the house and garage and I can't wait to share the before and after photos...soon.

Snack time has become quite the thing at our house. Upon waking in the morning, the older two
demand ask politely for their "wake-up snack". Mason came up with the name for the muffin/granola bar/quick-bread they consume before their actual breakfast. After waking from their nap, (yes, my 4 year-olds still nap and it's essential for my sanity) they
demand ask politely for their "snack" - which they understand is quite different from a "treat". Keeping my kitchen stocked with acceptable (to me) snack material...fruit, granola bars, dry non-sugary cereal, yogurt, crackers...has become a whole other category on my shopping list.

Matt and I are ever on the hunt for ways to exhaust our boys. Activities that they really enjoy and that require a great amount of energy are the best! Enter the basketball hoop. Hours, yes, hours, of fun. Can you tell who did NOT want to pose for the picture?

I'm loving the fact that "air-ball" is not yet in their vocabulary and they say "Aww, close one," even when they've missed the hoop by miles. Mason asks, many times a day, if he can go outside to "shoot hoops". In the beginning of May, my boys would make 1 out of 10 shots. At its close, they are making 6 out of 10 shots. Not bad.

My monkeys and their muscles at swim lessons. Fierce, no? I was able to secure childcare for Sawyer for most of their once-weekly lessons so I could just sit and watch or read while sipping my iced latte. (Sawyer joined me a few times but he had a habit of grabbing a noodle and bopping the swim students on the head or dawdling dangerously close to the edge of the pool.)

I am so proud of my little swimmers! There were tears and resistance at the first few lessons, but now there are smiles and only a bit of resistance. Mason and Smith have made great progress and even though lessons are coming to a close, they will have ample opportunity to hone their skills at the city pool this summer.

Sawyer. Oh, my dear, dear Soybean.
- Still wearing his rain-boots rain or shine
- Calls Mason "Maysh" and Smith "Miff"
- Surprises everyone by his accelerated vocabulary
- Forming sentences already! "Dad home. Dad home."
- Loves to dance
- Protests strongly to certain songs played in the car by yelling, "Off! Off! Awwwwwwf!"
- Plays well by himself
- Figured out how to move his crib, while in it, close enough to the light switch to turn it on during nap-time
- Super skilled at making a mess...with toys, food, dirt, water.
- Dons a ski helmet when playing outside...usually upside down and askew.
- Loves his Dad, Mama, and brothers

So dirty. This was the second t-shirt I put on him that day.

Progress! Siding is up, porch is framed, soffit is painted. My hard-working man, after 60+ hours of work during the week, has been working weekends to spiff up our house. I am so pleased with the progress. Can't wait to post pictures of the new paint job! Come back soon. :)
Where to begin? I have so much to say to this wonderful post! Seeing the pictures of basketball hoop and swimming lessons really reminded me of the Harvard house and Rocky only we were shooting hoops and teaching the lessons.....crazy it's like we are growing up or something! Chad and I are inspired by your house siding and will probably do something similar on ours, AND I would like to know which songs Sawyer doesn't like, I am just curious to his taste :) Lastly, I receive copper mugs from my father-in-law for my birthday. You know what that means!!! I will bring them next time I drop in. Loving you and your family :)
Love dropping by to see your delightful boys grow and learn! Smiling in Oregon!
Reese, what wonderful pictures! I absolutely adore your boys and getting to see them take their swim lessons is so special! I am such a fan of everything Schuyler so the posts are for ever one of the highlights of my day! Grammie Perrine I would love it if you lived here! You are so precious! Returning the smiles in Montana!
Perfect. You compose a nice post. The house is looking great and I am impressed that your boys are making any baskets. It seems really tall for them?! I also would like to know which songs Sawyer opposes. I love your creative, messy, busy and silly boys! Thanks for the update :)
Oh my goodness. Love the photo update. Who are those guys behind the sunglasses? Keep working on those hoop guys and you will be ball players! Can't wait to see life in Bozeman this weekend! I'm gonna go for Soy's cheeks first!
How did I miss this post?! Do you work on them for three days before publishing?
I love it. Love the muscles, the dirty, helmeted Sawdog, the snack time faces. Now that summer is here, we should hang out more.
I just love your posts, it really makes my day when I see you've updated. :) I would also like to know which songs Soy doesn't like. Here's to messy toddlers and warm weather to wear the boys out!
I can't wait to come and shoot some hoops with those boys. I have a great technique and will teach it to the boys, if Matt will let me. I too want to know what songs Sawyer dislikes.
Your boys are so lucky to have such an awesome backyard to roam- it looks like you keep them well oiled and very busy! Very proud of you all.
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