Thursday, June 28, 2007




Mason, right, attempting a smile.

Smith, in blue, was slowly falling over...thus the look of alarm on his face.

Long time no blog! Join me as I attempt to recap the last 8 weeks or so...Actually, I can't really remember the last 8 weeks. So, I'll fill you in on what's going on right now...

Mason and Smith are 8 weeks old and thriving. We had a "well-baby" visit on Tuesday and Dr Mitchell confirmed that they are healthy, happy (usually), growing boys. They both weigh 11 pounds 3 ounces and measure 22 inches long. We think Smith has acid reflux problems so he takes a half tablet of Prevacid every day. Generally, they are good sleepers. They take 3 to 4 two hour naps during the day and sleep from about 10pm to 3am and 4am to 7am during the night. This week, we had two nights where they slept from 10pm till 4:30 and 5 am. We felt so rested!

The boys started rewarding us with smiles around 6 weeks old. They seem to smile more for Matt than for me. We are starting to see more of their personalities emerging. Mason is a calm baby who likes to stare and think things through...he's our "thinker". Smith is constantly moving and likes to feel and experience things...he's our "feeler". They continue to be oblivious to the existence of the other. I think the only time they're even aware of the other is when they are in their crib and one's wailing wakes the other...this has become especially tricky. They are sleeping in the same crib for now but that may change soon if they continue to wake each other up.

Matt and I are doing well. We relish the rare moments we have to just be alone and talk to one another. New babies require constant care and we have to continually remind one another that it won't also be so, that we will look back on this time and laugh and wonder how we survived :). Thanks to our parents and many friends volunteering to watch the boys, we've had a handful of dates.

Matt is busy framing a 5,000 sq ft home on the Gallatin River. He's got 5 great guys working for him. Fishing has been minimal. We hope to be able to go camping at least once this summer...maybe once the boys start sleeping through the night. Ha! All in all, we are well and continue to enjoy God's many graces to our family.


Janelle Wilson said...

Thank you, thank you for the new pictures. I can't believe how different they boys look compared to when I last saw them. I think of you all often. The Schuyler sisters are tentatively planning a trip to Bozeman on the 5th. Let me know if that is do-able for you. We would love to stop by and watch Smith and Mason for you or with you. Love you all, thanks for the updates!!

Anonymous said...

Matt and Reese,
it's great to hear that you are doing well. i saw some pictures on my mom's camera of the boys and I can't believe how fast they are growing-i can't wait to see you all soon! hopefully sometime this week we can get down there so you and matt and have some time together..i'm sure it's much needed!:) if you are in town anytime let me know and i can get you some of the pumpkin bread from work that you said you like! i love you guys!