Mothering two infants is, without a doubt, the hardest thing I've ever had to do. It's a job that never ends - day or night -and just when I think I've got it figured out and I'm in a groove, everything changes and mayhem ensues. For some reason, I expected it (taking care of two) to be easy...or easier than it is. But, let me tell ya folks - it ain't easy. Some days are smooth sailing and others absolutely kick my butt. (Just when I get Smith to settle down and sleep, Mason wakes up, cries, and wakes Smith up. ) I crave the consistency and predictability of a daily routine, but each day with these two guys is different. Some days they sleep for hours, some days they just won't sleep. Some days they are content to sit in their swing and some days they want to be held all the time. I'm told that things start getting easier and more predictable when babies turn 3 months old...here's hopin'.
As hard as it is, I love these little guys very much. I can see that Jesus uses children as a lesson in self-sacrifice. I've uttered many tearful prayers at 2 in the morning and the Lord is always gracious when He reminds me that what I need more than anything, more than sleep or free time or consistency or a live-in nanny :), is Him. So, when you pray for me, pray that I would have courage - not fear, pray that I would have strength - not tears, pray that I would have joy - not bitterness.
"Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thess 5:16-18
Reese you look just lovely and those boys are sweet as can be. I'm sure life will get into a routine for you soon enough and to imagine I remember when you were those little guys size. Where have the years gone? I love these blogs, it's nice to keep in touch when we are so far away. My niece in New Zealand is expecting next month and we have been able to keep in touch with her too, how fun. Thank you for including us and enjoy this time, they do grow very fast and change daily. Many blessings and don't forget to sleep when they do?!?
Love Kathy Fust
I miss you all so much! I am so proud to call you friend and you are so strong. Your words brought tears to my eyes. Wish you were here in Alaska, someday! Love you wonderful example of a mama!
They are absolutely beautiful. I am so excited for you. Motherhood is such a surreal and wonderful journey. Congratulations~!
Cousin Meg
Those babies are so blessed to have you for a mom (Matt for a dad too!) You are doing a great job! I remember when my babies were tiny reminding myself that no one ever died from lack of sleep, and I only had one at a time!! You belong to a special club of women who have had more than one baby at a time. I know there are survivors. Hang in there, honey. It will get better.
I love you, and you are doing an amazing job! The verse at the end of your last posting is so important to remind us all that we must ask for strength for each day. Mason and Smith are so beautiful (sorry Matt, handsome) and I know that you and Matt are a great team. Keep going!! I can't wait to see you all. We hope that the rivers will cool down so fishing can happen for daddy Matt! Love from the Kavanaghs in Alaska!
Hey you four!
Chris and I wish we were there to celebrate and laugh (and fish!) with you all. Your boys look great and what a handful! You are in for some GREAT adventures coming up. Praise the Lord for our little arrows!
God bless your family,
Holly Flick
Thanks for the update! Those "Misetroes" are eternal beings, it's yours, and our passion to bring them into that realationship! We are looking forward to that journey. You and Matt are doing a great job as parents!
love to put my tounge in their bums and lick them out
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