Sunday, August 12, 2007


It is my goal to post more often than once a month...I will try my very best to do so. Much has happened since my last post. The first of July, we all got to go to the Oberly's cabin in Wyoming. We enjoyed fishing, great food, good friends, laughing, swimming in the river-fed pool, and just good plain fun.
By mid-July, the boys started sleeping through the night (10pm to 7am)! Hallelujah! It's amazing what 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep can do for one's outlook on life. Now the little guys are going down around 8:30pm or so and waking around 7am. I ended up separating the boys into different rooms. Mason sleeps in a crib in the 2nd bedroom & Smith enjoys the pac-n-play in the guest bathroom. Yes, I did say the bathroom. I had some guilt over this initially, but Smith sleeps like a champ and doesn't seem to notice he has a toilet in his room. will be a good story to tell him when he's older. My hope is to have them back in the same room by the end of August.
The end of July found us celebrating our 3rd wedding anniversary. We hope the next three years are less eventful than the first (let's see...our car broke-down, moved to Blgs, avalanche - Blake's death, moved to Boz, got a teaching job, bought and moved into a condo, started SchuylerBuilt Fine Homes, got pregnant, had get the picture.) We are still very much in love and enjoying one another's company...most of the time.
First of August, Matt ventured to the mountains for a father/son backpacking trip. This year, they hiked for 8 hours, without a trail, to the pristine waters of Elk Lake (not the Elk Lake in East Rosebud). Matt caught some rather large fish, sipped on some fine whisky, participated in some good fellowship, and enjoyed some much-needed time away from the demands of running his business. Mason, Smith and I headed to Billings to enjoy the help and company of Grammie and Papaw Myers and Grammie Schuyler (Papaw Schuyler was on the backpacking trip.)
It is now mid-August and the nights are getting cooler in Bozeman...Fall is just around the corner. One week from today the boys will be 4 months old. I've really fallen in love with my little took me three months to do so but I've fallen hard. They are an absolute delight and I look forward to spending each day with them. Mason is my serious guy. He isn't very talkative, but when he does decide to talk it is usually a very serious matter. He loves to kick and splash during his baths and when he smiles he sticks his tongue out a bit. I think he looks like me. Smith is my happy-go-lucky guy. He loves to squeal and coo and never stops moving. He spits up what seems like everything he's just eaten...I probably change his outfit 3 or 4 times a day. I think he looks like Matt. It is exciting to get to know them more every day...watching them become themselves is such a delight. I look forward to the day when they get to know each will be fun to see them "meet" each other for the first time.
Come late September/early October, there will be two new babies amongst our close friends...Baby Boy Moore and Baby Oberly. We are excited to meet our new little friends and repay all the many kindnesses paid to us at the arrival of our babies. There is so much to be thankful for!

Dave Schuyler showing off a nice-sized cutthroat
He is very happy to be fishing and not working!

Elk Lake

Another large cutthroat and one happy guy

Smith and his dad

Matt, Mason and Lizabeth Oberly at the cabin

The 5,000 sq ft home Matt is framing
I will post more recent pictures of Mason and Smith as soon as I get the disc from Costco...I promise!

1 comment:

naomi said...

those fish look pretty small to me :)
