As a stay at home mom, I am surprised to find that I have to fight the urge to stay in my pajamas all day, sipping diet coke and watching Oprah while I bathe, feed, and play with my babies. It is a temptation that I've never had before and I believe it stems from the belief that it's just easier to stay home and watch Oprah (no offense to Oprah, I don't actually watch Oprah, but it seems many stay at home moms love her, no offense Naomi) than to do all it takes to get out of the house.
Yes, it is easier to stay home but it is not good for me, I have decided. I need routine, structure and order. I need to take a shower every day and put on some makeup. I need exercise and laughter with friends. And, I believe, my boys need a mother who is active, enthusiastic, and full of life...not diet coke. Don't get me wrong, I also need days of relaxation - days that I stay in my pajamas and don't do a single load of laundry...these are the exception, not the rule.
I am also finding that it is easy to lose focus and wonder about my purpose. Yes, mothering is a noble task, challenging and rewarding - but some days feel ignoble, poopy diapers, sour milk spit-up, drool and boogers. Anyway, I was feeling the drudgery of my mothering tasks the other day, and I came across this excerpt from Dietrich Bonhoeffer's "Letters and Papers from Prison":
The place where God has put the wife is the husband's home. Most people have forgotten nowadays what a home can mean, though some of us have come to realize it as never before. It is a kingdom of its own in the midst of the world, a stronghold amid life's storms and stresses, a refuge, even a sanctuary. It is not founded on the the shifting sands of outward or public life, but it has its peace in God, for it is God who gives it its special meaning and value, its own nature and privilege, its own destiny and dignity. It is an ordinance of God in the world, the place in which - whatever may happen in the world - peace, quietness, joy, love, purity, discipline, respect, obedience, tradition, and, with it all, happiness may dwell. It is the wife's (and mother's) calling, and her happiness, to build up for her husband (and kids) this world within the world, and to do her life's work there. How happy she is if she realizes how great and rich a task and destiny she has. Not novelty, but permanence; not change, but constancy; not noisiness, but peace; not words, but deeds; not commands, but persuasion; not desire, but possession - and all these things inspired and sustained by her love for her husband (and kids) - that is the wife's kingdom.
*I added the non-italicized words.
I think that Dietrich sums it up pretty well and I am thankful that the Lord brought this passage into my attention when He did. And because I just cannot resist - I will end this posting with some pictures of the boys :)
Mason enjoying the new flavor of rice cereal...some of it actually made it into his tummy. I know because he spit it up later that morning.
They actually linked arms like this on their own - we didn't stage this cuteness.
Mason and his dear little thumb.
Smitty laughing
Great quote, the home should be a place "set apart" from the world. That way everyone can retreat to it and be safe. This will always be remembered and coveted. You are a great Mom & Wife Reese!
Thank you for posting that, I needed to hear it.
I love it, and came to many of the same conclusions living in a home where our mother cooked and cleaned, and I really didn't HAVE to shower or look presentable. My minimum became washing my face and mascara. :) I love you, and I admire you so very much!
I have to post again, because those photos are TOO DEAR. I just love those boys, and even though I've seen you a few times in the evenings, I really miss squishing their cheeks. Seriously, your fellas are some of the cutest around!
hey matt and reese, we had so much fun watching mason and smith last weekend, and we took about a million more photos of them and i can't believe how cute they are! clearly they are schuyler's.. :)
miss you guys!
Reese, It was great to see you and your family at your mom and dads'. Those babies are beautiful and if is fun watching you play the mommy role. You are a natural!!!
I agree Reese, you are a natural!
Kayla, there are obviously cute from our side of the family. Your side is more where they got their acid reflux.
Love you
I love that you share your thoughts and let us step into your world. Moms young and old have had the very same wrestling thoughts- me included. You and Matt are doing a wonderful job at bringing health to your little boys and your relationship. Proud of you!
P.S. I hope you found some good work clothes with your birthday stash Reese. Love you all!
Poor Aubyn, you are a LITTLE confused, but we will still accept you.... as a distant relative!!!.
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