It finally feels like summer here in Bozeman. We have spent as much time outdoors as possible...soaking up the glorious sun! The inflatable baby pool I bought a month ago sits proudly on our small patch of grass (I wouldn't dare call it a "yard") and has been much enjoyed by youngsters and adults. I'll snap some pictures of M and S lounging in the pool and post them soon.
The warm weather draws us outdoors, urges us to fire up the BBQ, and inspires us to the many outdoor activities that Bozeman makes so, camping, hiking, floating, etc. Matt and I are still learning how to participate in such activities with two toddlers...and enjoy ourselves. It's difficult to float the Madison in the 2 hours between naps, not to mention the logistics of keeping two curious toddlers in the raft.
five things
five things I am loving right now:

1. My new aqua iPod. I saved half the money I earned tutoring and bought myself this wonderfully scrumptious musical device. Right now I have about 20 songs on it...I only have room for 1,980 more songs...ha! I took it on my walk this morning and let's just say I walked a little longer than normal.

2. Mandarin oranges from Costco. I have now purchased two 20 count bags of these delicious little gems. Mason eats 5 a day, Smith will eat two wedges before he sucks on the third and spits it out. They are the perfect, portable, self-contained, healthy snack. What did we do before Costco?

3. The warning label on our baby pool...the "No Diving" part. Seriously? It's a baby pool - intended for non-readers who can barely walk much less dive.

4. My boys are big/old enough to sit in their car seats facing forward. Now I can see their precious faces, tickle their toes, and hand them snacks while driving. Don't worry, I'm quite good at it.

5. Rhubarb crisp. I used a little less sugar and added strawberries and almond meal. It's real good.
Note: I have been sorely disappointed by the lack of comments posted on my blog! I think/hope many of you check it often but I don't know for sure and I just love to read the comments. I'm not expecting much...just a "Hey! I'm reading your blog!" would be great. Thanks! :)
well-I' don't know who 'lotto' is, but boo-hoo! Love your blog and I do read it often (too often ?). Thanks for the lovely afternoon and the Schuyler Family Swim Center.
interesting comments and i will attest that the rhubarb crisp is delicious!
That's what you get when you ask for comments I guess! I will visit Lotto's blog later and leave some choice words for them. I check your blog DAILY (now that school is out, what else am I supposed to do?) and love it all!! Love you all!
Guilty as charged. I'm not much of a commenter-- words on the computer screen seems so permanent-- but we love seeing your adventures. Parker is trying to figure out how to wrangle an invitation to that froggy pool. Looks like that's where all the cool kids are.
All I can say is...(who is that guy?) I need to develop one of the pictures of the twins and put it on my desk, the last one I have is when they were about 6 months! Also I am loving my ipod too! I will have to send you some good work out music to put on yours, it makes such a difference! love you and I sure enjoyed the wine thanks again :)
Sorry, I am a looker and not a commenter, but here is one for you. You are lovely, your boys are cute, and you amaze me with your ability as a momma of twins. Go Reese!
Love you,
Thank you all! I was so happy to check my blog this morning and find so many comments! Made my day.
Enjoy your blog so much, (in fact it's my lunch time reading). Being so far away, this is a really great way to watch the boys grow up. You and Matt are doing such a wonderful job raising these little guys. What such cuties also.
I love my IPOD also, I go for podcast, their FREE and you can listen to a lot of great stuff instead of just music all the time. I often will down load the local news to podcast and that way I don't have to stop and sit down and watch the news. Saves so much time. Got to return to work now
Hugs and Kisses to all.
The Woodring's
Yep, love the blogs you and Adele post, keep it up. Your Grammy Woodring reads them too, she just hasn't a clue how to leave a comment. :-P
I needed to go on record for participating in the comment marathon! I love your blogging, I love those people you blog about and all the activities of daily and weekend living you do! Will Smith know to answer to his name one day? How about Mason? Ha just kidding you.
One more comment, I am an addicted blog reader. I am loving every minute of it, especially the video clips. Love to all of you.
Grammie Laurie
Hey Reese, Looks like your plea for comments worked...maybe I should try it on my blog. I do check it regularly, and last time I tried to leave a comment my computer was going berserk...I swear it's about to sputter, kick and crash soon! It is all about the comments though, that's what keeps me updating.
keep it up, it inspires me to get out and do things...and enjoy it. The fact that you would even think about taking your boys rafting is more than I could do! What cuties!
ps, I must have missed what "Lotto" had to say...looks like everyone was fond of it!
shameless plug- since so many of you love your ipods, check out some cases at
Hey! I'm a first time visitor to your blog...I find it quite enjoyable. Very cute pictures on this post! I remember when my son was old enough to face forward, it was wonderful to be able to see him and reach him. Perhaps it was a little sad that it was one more reminder that he's not a baby anymore...
Hi Reese -
I check your blog and Addie's blog almost every day. It's an excellent way to pass the time while I'm stuck in the office and I love to hear about all your adventures and see pictures of the boys. Thanks for posting, I don't know how you find time to do it, but I sure do love to read it.
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