Addie, Naomi, Sara and I pooled our crap together to put on a garage sale (garbage sale, as Matt calls it). We held it at my house but Addie was our fearless leader...wheeling and dealing and looking quite fabulous all the while.

Naomi and Sara soaking up the sun. It was a perfect day for a garage sale.

Wanting to stand out in a sea of boring ads, I placed an ad unlike any of the others! Our sale was quite successful and many of our patrons commented on the ad.

Peter and Kale.

Unlike my boys, Kale has no problem wearing a hat and/or sunglasses. He's looking very cool and really enjoying that Twizzler.

MayMo humored us with the sunglasses for roughly 2.3 seconds.

Decided a trip to Billings was in order...to visit grandparents, get out of the house, try to (unsuccessfully) escape the rain, change-up our routine, etc. Since our trek was mid-week, Matt did not accompany us. Above is the list of groceries he requested for his week without us. Ahh, the life of bachelor. :)

In Billings, Grammie Myers let the boys try using a spoon for the first time. Not as disastrous as I thought it would be. (Smiggy)


Smithy looking like he's wielded a spoon many times before.

Matt joined us in Billings to pick up his new (to us) truck. It's BIG...and so shiny, too.

M and S joined Dad in the bed of the truck while he drilled holes for his lumber rack. The loud drilling wasn't a big hit...as you can see.

Just some snapshots to highlight how breath-takingly handsome my little ones are. (Smith)

Mason...looking very much like his twin...huh, go figure. I fed them something chocolatey.

My sweet little Smiggy...with spinach on his head. I call him "Wrecky" because he has an uncanny ability to wreck things, clothes, moments, my bad attitude. Sure love 'im.
Mr. Smith Schuyler evolving from a crawler to a walker. As you can see, Mason, still a crawler, is playing it cool. He doesn't seem to think that Smith's steps are as amazing as his mom and dad think they are.
It's just so amazing and exciting and fun...I had to post two clips. (Mason is crying in the background because I wouldn't let him hold/touch the camera.)
SO CUTE. Not so much me as those dear little men. I can't believe you have a walker who is also a spoon expert. When can he take me for a drive?
Oh yes, and the reason I took over the garage sale is because you guys let me - and you know me. Control is like crack to me. Thank you!
amazing! And I think you are SO CUTE too, Adds!
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