We had the pleasure of hosting one of my dearest and 'oldest' friends this past week. Joy flew in from Glenwood Springs, Colorado, on Wednesday and we said goodbye yesterday. It was a nice luxury to have another set of hands around during the day. Mason and Smith really enjoyed having such a playful and happy companion. I really enjoyed being able to prepare dinner without two sets of hands pulling on my legs. Joy and I didn't have any grand plans - we visited a fabric store, went out to lunch, hit up Gap and Old Navy, met Naomi and Rebecca and their broods at the library - all with my little ones in tow. It was just plain good to be in the company of such a dear friend.
Sunday, we had a family reunion of sorts at our house. Meg and Ray, Joy, Wes and Stephanie, Lane and Bing, Addie and Blake, Scott and Monica, Matt, Mason, Smith and I - all together under one roof. We ate some good food and caught up on everyone's news. The beer and wine flowed freely, as did the laughter and enjoyment. (Unfortunately, I didn't get any photos of the reunion. If you have some, please e-mail them to me and I will post them!)
This week will be a little bit quieter than the last. However, I'm gearing up for the Yard Sale that Addie, Naomi and I are hosting Saturday morning. My goal is to organize and purge all my closets, the crawl space and the garage before Saturday. Happy Tuesday!

From left to right, Lizabeth's, Mason's, Jack's, and Smith's.

About time! Love your updates and I think the picture is of Smith. However, they are looking more alike in these pictures than usual!
You always have such fun parties! When am I invited! I wish I lived closer to family.
I love their brown eyes! I tried to do a little detective work, but it didn't help that you dress them in the same pjs. At least it's just the picture you can't tell...I'd be more worried if you couldn't tell them in real life. I see the mohawk is gone.
I think it is Smith in the picture....I just feel like it is :)
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