In a letter to his best friend, Arthur Greeves, C.S. Lewis wrote, "Friendship is the greatest of worldly goods. Certainly to me it is the chief happiness of life. If I had to give a piece of advice to a young man about a place to live, I think I [should] say, 'sacrifice almost everything to live where you can be near you friends.' I know I am [very] fortunate in that respect."
We, too, are very fortunate in that respect. Most of our dearest friends are also Bozeman residents. We had the pleasure of spending an entire weekend, without Mason and Smith (thank you, Schuylers!), at a cabin with some of our friends.

The only two kiddos on the trip. Jack O, left, and K-Bug, right. These little guys were troopers, entertaining themselves and each other.

Playing "Rook", or "Crap-on-your-neighbor" as the Moore's call it.
I can't remember who won this game, but I know it wasn't me...I would've remembered that.

Naomi mixing up some margaritas. Won't deny that we enjoyed a fair amount of alcohol.

We had quite an adventure getting into the cabin. The key and lock worked just fine, but the doorknob was broken. After much deliberation and
MacGyver -esque attempts, we managed to unlock and slide in a small window. Sam, above, our resident engineer, attempts to fix the doorknob and lock plate.

K-Bug and Sammy. K likes to point and say "Dat?"

The ladies helping Sara prepare dinner.

My handsome hubby cooking 'lumberjack hash' for breakfast. He's looking very much like a lumberjack with the beard he's grown for bow-hunting season.

Our manly men enjoyed not only fly-fishing, but also shooting their bows as often as possible. From left to right, Josh, Sam, Matt, and Peter.

Although it's hard to tell, this is Peter, slightly intoxicated, placing the target on the side of the mountain. The boys wanted a challenge. As I recall, a few arrows did hit it.

Morning chat around the
chiminea. The big boys were fishing, the little boys were napping.
Naomi and K-Bug vacuuming the bunk house before we left.
These are only the pictures that I snapped. There is a great group shot and many other moments captured by the Kavanaghs and Oberlys. I will try to post them if I can. It was a wonderful weekend, very relaxing, much laughter, delicious food, and I was glad to see my MayMo and Smigget upon returning.
Happy week to you all!
The quote said it perfectly! I'm glad all our friends don't live in you-know-where :) What a weekend. We love ALL of you and know that these world-class friendships are a rarity and a blessing.
ohhhh, a vacation! Tell me that story one more time Reese! Was it really as magical as they say? The truth is, I still get a lot of anxiety over leaving Toby with a sitter. It's something I just need to get over! Todd and I could sure use a date before the next one comes along. (ps, 2 years between kids is not long enough...says she to the woman with twins!) You inspire me though to get out and be more the woman who married my husband... and not the stained t-shirt and no make up mommy! Our anniversary is coming up soon... there's my chance. Looks like you had a blast, and also that you had a hard time remembering most of it. LOL I guess that's what makes it so fun. JK
What a fabulous tie-dye in the top picture!! I know some ladies who will be quite proud to see that up! And by the way, Kayla and I took the boys to Farmer's Market, and whenever someone stopped and asked about the boys, I generally pretended they were mine. Hope you don't mind. :)
Well written article.
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