It seems that it is Fall all of a sudden here in Bozeman. The mornings and evenings are cool (sometimes downright cold), school has started, and I'm starting to crave pumpkin spice lattes and caramel apples. I am also looking forward to wearing jeans again...and socks. Matt and his crew are quite thankful for the cooler weather, especially after Matt had the misfortune of experiencing heat stroke. I am so thankful to not be starting in teaching. Loving the mom gig...most of the time. We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of Lane and Bing's baby boy - her due date is Sept. 4 so we're expecting the call any day now.
Smigget put himself in his cart. He got stuck and so decided to hang out and suck on his fingers.

Haircut time...again. Smithy's in the chair and MayMo's lookin' tough with his buzzed head and bare chest. M and S are getting better and better with each haircut. I gave them each a cell phone to play with while I was buzzing. In a matter of minutes, S broke Matt's cell phone. Not sure how it happened, I give the boys my cell phone all the time and it comes back to me a little beaten but working just fine. Anyway, Matt wasn't too happy with me. Fortunately, we have insurance and it wasn't too expensive to replace it. (Between the kids dropping/banging the phones and Matt submerging them in the rivers he's fishing, the insurance has been a wise investment for us.)
Saturday morning I had the luxury of driving to Dillon, MT, with Sara, to shop the Patagonia Outlet Sale. Scored some good stuff. Meanwhile, Matt and the fellas played in the garage, inspecting the hunting gear and calling in elk.
Mason and Smith are both already developing a climber's build - check out those pecs! And your mention of pumpkin spice lattes will have me leaving a bit early for work tomorrow for a special treat!
i think you need to post the video of m & s wrestling together, very cute
I didn't know you were raising your kids as ninjas. I support that choice.
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