- The second trimester! I completed my first trimester of this pregnancy as of yesterday. I am feeling much much better...the nausea is almost completely gone (still feeling it a little at night), my energy has returned, and I am able to think about/prepare food without throwing up. Hooray!
- Progress on the bathroom. Last weekend, Matt and some friends finished gutting out the bathroom and fixed the dryer vent problem. The hose that vents the dryer air outside was filled with lint, sludge, and standing water! We're guessing it hadn't ever been cleaned out and our house is 30+ years old. You can imagine the smell.
This weekend, the new tub will be installed and Matt and Brad will lay tile on the floor and shower walls. My very wonderful man has committed to finishing the project by Addie's wedding (April 11). Hooray!
Clockwise from far left: Kale, Mason, Jack, Smith, and Lizabeth.
Right before V Day, we gathered at our house to bake sugar cookies. In all, counting babies in utero, there were 11 of us (Rebecca and Naomi are pregnant, too!). Miraculously, the cookies got baked, everyone ate lunch, and all the babes played peacefully.
Right before V Day, we gathered at our house to bake sugar cookies. In all, counting babies in utero, there were 11 of us (Rebecca and Naomi are pregnant, too!). Miraculously, the cookies got baked, everyone ate lunch, and all the babes played peacefully.
A treat for the eyes AND the tastebuds :).
likes to run,
thinks silly things are funny,
4. My new vacuum. (The high school version of me is cringing at this confession. Back then, I hoped to never get truly excited about a stain remover or a vacuum...what can I say? Things change.) I've been using a cheap-o Dirt Devil from Target and it just wasn't cutting it. With mostly hardwood floors, two fireplaces and two crumb-droppers (toddlers), I need a stellar vacuum. So, one Saturday afternoon, I marched myself down to Sears and purchased this #1- rated-by-Consumer-Reports vacuum. It's awesome. I love it and I vacuum more than I need to because I am so loving it.
5. This little guy's emerging personality.
Smiggy-D: enjoys a good snuggle, is easy-going except when he doesn't get enough sleep, takes his socks off when he wakes up from his nap, says "peas" for please, climbs everything - stairs, chairs, ottomans, picnic tables, his mama's legs,

pretends to read.
6. This little guy's emerging personality.

7. This ever-growing friendship.

Silly, precious Smiggy and Maymo.
8. This blog I've recently stumbled upon. This woman has 12 children, all birthed by her...and she doesn't like being pregnant...and she loves Jesus and is kind of spunky...I like her.
Thank you, thank you for posting again. The update on the boys is precious and made me laugh out loud. What fun to be preggers with all of your fertile friends!
LOVE it!
That was the best video I have seen since that kid who loves tearing paper.
I really want to come up and see your house sometime! And your boys, of course. They are talking so much now :)
Those are NOT my baby nephews. Those are young men who are obviously only days away from three piece suits and job interviews. Crap, I'm getting old. Keep up the good work.
Never a Dull moment at your house. One of the pictures of Mason looked just like Matt when he was little. I know I have said that Smith looks like Matt did, but now so does Mason. Can't wait to see you guys.
I love how mischievous they both look, and, Rob would like to congratulate Matt on starting the double-fisting drinking so early.
The boys are looking so grown up it hurts. It is happening way too fast.
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