The view from my front door. Brrrrrr!
We woke up this morning to snow, snow, and more snow. So much snow, in fact, that the crew of SchuylerBuilt Fine Homes, Inc. got to sleep in and take the morning off. It's always fun to have our Dad around in the morning. Being "snowed-in" inspired me to make real waffles (generally, we have the toaster variety) and stay in my pajamas as long as possible. (I have no plans to step out of my slippers.) It's a good day for staying home, stoking the fire, and maybe a little bit of sewing. I've got an embroidery project half-way done and a pillow cover to start.

The little people enjoying their syrup-soaked waffles.

I finally ripped the tags off the boys' snowpants and put them to good use. Had to wrestle Mason to get his on, Smith was much more compliant after seeing Matt in his Carhart bibs. The three of them spent a good half-hour shoveling and playing outside in the snow. M discovered the pockets on his puffy coat and walked around looking like a little gangster with his hands stuffed in his pockets.
We lost almost an entire block of downtown Bozeman this morning. There was a natural gas leak at a downtown restaurant that was ignited when an employee flipped a light switch. The restaurant literally exploded, wiping out four other establishments and shattering windows of neighboring businesses. As far as we know, there hasn't been any casualties. It happened early enough in the morning that few people were on the streets, at work, etc. You can read more about it
here and see more pictures.

Quite a day already!
Maybe M wants to be like his mom. I remember a certain long haired girl with a very oversized nike jacket...
Too cute. Those boys are delicious like syrup soaked waffles!
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