Just learned how to extract the pictures from my cell phone onto my computer...yes, I
just learned how. For your viewing pleasure, I picked the best of the best to share with y'all. Some are quite recent - others, as you'll see, are from a time I barely recall :). (The quality of the pictures isn't great but considering they were taken with a cell phone...they're not that bad.)

Smiggy-D enjoying his new beanie, knit by the fabulous Miss Joy.

S in the 'exer-saucer'. I was able to determine it was S only by the fact that he is sucking his two fingers (Mason sucks his thumb).

S asleep in his car seat. (For those of you who know my kids well, S actually started with the green blanky but somehow it's M's now.)

Blake snapped this flattering picture of me gosh-knows-when.

Oh, the days of playing in the parking lot at the condo! Good times.

M smiling for the camera in his car seat...don't worry, folks, I'm pretty sure I wasn't driving while taking the picture...maybe.

M enjoying his new beanie, knit by the fabulous Miss Joy.

M and the mohawk that earned him the nickname "MayMo".


Mason. Remember when he scratched his face and then kept scratching off the scab? Finding him with a trickle of blood down his face was shock enough to sear it in
my memory. Revisit
this post if you don't remember.

Really don't know who this cutie is but I'm leaning toward Smith.

Smiley Smithy...with some ridiculous hair.

Smiley Smithy but with a much-needed haircut.

Camo jam-jams and a delicious belly roll.

S, not too pleased with the bear hat.
What fun I had browsing through the pictures on my phone...they loosely chronicle the past two years of our life...I hope you had fun, too!
i am amazed you can tell who is who in some of those pictures! can you tell which one is which in the camo jammies picture?
I'm pretty sure that Smith is the one on the left but I wouldn't bet any money on it :).
Aw, the Maymo-hawk......
That was an amazing thing!
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