Well, the newest Schuyler is nearly 2 weeks old and I dare to say that we're approaching "back-to-normal" status...or at least a
new normal. Grammie Myers ("Mammy" is what M and S call her) left last Sunday and we've been solo since then. Sure, there have been some tears, many moments of exasperation, and a few "what have we done?!" exchanges between Matt and I, but the transition from being a family of 4 to being a family of 5 has been much smoother, less traumatic, and generally more pleasant than the transition from 2 to 4. Thank you, Jesus.
Sawyer E. spends his days doing what a 2 week-old baby should be doing - sleeping and eating, but mostly just sleeping. The nights haven't been too rough
yet. SoyBean wakes up between 2 and 3am, nurses and then goes back to sleep, and then we're up again around 6:30-7am. I know this pattern could change quite suddenly so I'm trying not to get used to it. I am feeling pretty well rested and my incision is healing up nicely. My doctor gave me the go-ahead to go swimming but donning a swimsuit isn't on my list of priorities right now.
I'm not gonna lie, Mason and Smith have been difficult the last two weeks. Tantrums, whining, melt-downs, spankings, and time-outs have increased tremendously since Sawyer's homecoming. Matt and I have had to adopt a "zero-tolerance policy" on disobedience. Each day is better than the last and I think they are beginning to see the correlation between disobedience and discipline and that Sawyer isn't much of a threat. I know, in time, they will settle down a bit and return to being my sweet little MayMo and Smith-gee.

Smithy and Sawdust.

My Three Sons.

Kisses from MayMo...Sawyer doesn't look too comfy.

Amos-Moses and Soy Sauce.

See, he's not so bad. Can you tell who is who? I had trouble.

A rare eyes-open moment.

Punky-poo with a squishy face in his carseat.

Swing time.

Despite the upset of having a newborn in the house, life does go on and bowhunting season waits for no man. Smithy shooting his bow in the rain with Dad and Brad Lowe.

Yes, his bow is taller than he is.

Reading Goodnight Moon to baby brother.

Blake generously passed on his jack-hammer and work bench to the two monkeys. All day long they are saying, "My too-hn. Jack-hamma...my too-hn." (My turn.) Mason's turn.

We had the delight of hosting Jenny Schuyler for a 2 day visit this week. The monkeys absolutely love her (we all do) and played tirelessly with her. Each morning, they would call from their cribs saying, "Nenny? Nenny!" Thanks for all your help, your company, and the gifts, Jen!

This pretty much sums up 99% of SoyBean's day.

Sawyer's sleeping quarters. Cozy :).
You're a rock star, and I learn more mothering from you each day, mostly in the grace department. Fun to play with Smith today - seemed like the timer was a great reminder of when it was whose turn, but I learned REAL quickly that two minutes doesn't last very long. Guess that was fine for the person waiting!
I laughed out loud when I read Sawdust. You guys crack me up! As for who's who, Smith is in the chair and Mase is standing. I think the baby is Sawyer, but hard to tell. :)
Naomi~ you're right!
Precious. I love the pictures of all three. What handsome men you have. Mine tried to put a spoon in the outlet the other day... glad I only have one to wrangle :)
Reese and Matt....I'm again, in love! I love that little face and his little nose and lips! I loved all the pics and I can't wait for it to be my turn again. I guessed the twins the same way as Naomi! They are all beautiful! And so are you!...Matt, you're handsome! Goodnite! And, thanks for blogging in your spare time!
Aw Reesie, these pics are great...I can not believe you are a mama of 3!!! But they are great boys and are sure to be wonderful men! :)
Lindsey's comment reminded me that I am so glad that all of you "Myers'" girls are going to raise some wonderful Godly men. Something this world is in desperate need of, and encouraging to the rest of us who want kids in the near future :)
Great pics Reese - it's hard for me to believe you are a mother of 3 boys!! What happened to those volleyball days? Your home will be full of noise, wildness and laughter. Enjoy it all.
Blessings, Judy
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