Mason :::
- is technically the second born, but really the first born
- sucks his thumb
- looks like his Dada
- thinks like his Mama
- loves his "kiki", aka blankie
- plays with said kiki as if it were a person
- is designated green - green kiki, green sippy, green spoon
- doesn't like ice cream !!?!
- recently switched from sleeping with a stuffed monkey to a teddy bear
- calls his teddy bear "tummy bear" (cross between teddy and gummi)
- hoards toys, tools, stuff...more on this later
- calls Addie on his play cell phone many times daily
- is reluctant to venture into new activities
- cautiously approaches unknown territory
- prefers to wear his snow boots every day...regardless of snow
- bugles like an elk very well
- makes up his own silly words
- is MayMo, Mase, and Amos-Moses
- says "ope-meal" and "yo-gup" for oatmeal and yogurt
- has trouble saying words that begin with "s"
- calls Sawyer "Hee-yer"
- likes spiders, ladybugs and bees...apparently (see video below)
***Banner picture is MayMo...not Sawyer
The last time I saw them, I was so taken by the differences between Smith and Mason. Mason is so pensive and thoughtful. I loved the video. I love Mason!
I love this idea of focusing on each one. They are such great kids! I also love that Mason calls me a lot. Now to get past the hurdle of doing things that cannot be seen through the phone (nodding head, pointing at things, etc.).
O.K. that was just about the sweetest thing I've seen! Loved it! What a gentle spirit! I can't wait to see what these guys turn out to be! Have I told you what great parents I think you guys are!? Thanks for sharing all about Amos Moses!
That was really neat. He's his own little man. I really fell I know little Saywer best, and it's nice to get a little booklet on Mason. If only Mason could get a Cliff Notes on me he wouldn't be so afraid of me when I finally make it to MT. Maybe I'll make one and send it to you guys. Creepy...I promise I won't just make up a bunch of stuff like I own a mountain or something cool just to make him like me. Maybe he could call me on his phone once in a while.
Hannah...I'm pretty sure all you need to do is bring candy when you come and they will love you instantly :).
Okay, I will admit this...I watched the video AGAIN. Go MAson, you are so darn cute.
Gramma Waurwee
I am smiling as I type this. It is pure fun getting to know your sweet Maymo. He is a wonderfully funny little soul.
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