Monday, November 30, 2009

More MayMo

There's just so much to my wonderful little man, Mason. Through these bits and pieces, I hope that his sweet spirit, unique humor, and curious mannerisms convey.


M likes to line things, tools, what-nots...he has a compulsion for order, I think. (He gets this from me, of course.)

They're not in a line, but he wanted them all upright and on the tile.

Miscellany in a line by Mason. (Why is it that certain pictures just won't load properly!!?? Arrgh.)

He calls this little number "Fire". He rounds up as many trucks/cars/vehicles as he can and lines them up along the floor at Grammie Monnie's. Smith has a compulsion to mess with Mason's order...but we'll save that for Smiggy's post. :)

Here he has lined up all the characters from the Nativity.

When he has amassed more items than he cares to line up, Mason hoards.

Back in the Spring, M piled all the play dishes he could on a chair at Grammie's.

A few days ago, he crammed as many dishes, play food, and various thing-a-ma-jigs as he could into the play kitchen at Grammie's. When asked about this curious compilation, he said he was "cookin' my dinner".

This is his "work". He pushes his cart all about the house, never playing with the animals or taking them out, just pushing them to and fro. Occasionally, he will park the cart and dabble in some random activity unrelated to his "work" and then resume his "work" shortly thereafter.

Loving right now::

Mason is loving...

His kiki (always) and his tummy bear.
Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You?
Bed time reading...EVERY night. And if he had his way, many times over and over again.
Pockets...perfect for holding his cell phone.

Chocolate milk. No explanation's delicious.

Fruit snacks. I'm thankful that I can buy them in bulk at Costco.

Grammie Monnie...
Papa 'Cott...
Papa "D" and Grammie Worie.

Elmo. I haven't yet met a toddler who didn't love Elmo...what is it about him?

Live, in action::

He can express himself quite well. He is able to say "I love you, Mama" and "Mama, you're pretty", but he knows that it is funny to say silly nonsensical words when I ask him to say it. So funny.


lanerdoo said...

HA! I love all of the pictures of his lines and hoarding. One after the other I laughed and laughed. What a precious Amos-Moses.

Addie said...

So great! And full sentences? Amazing.

Dave said...

Those big beds will be coming soon, and no more containing them. And Reese we think you are pretty, just ask me sometime and I will tell you.

Janelle Wilson said...

So articulate! I love the pictures in the header - I've forgotten how round his little face was. I love the videos; I'd be lying if I said I only watched them once in a sitting. :)

Lindsey K said...

what I am loving right now: these adorable and fun posts about your boys, already looking forward to the next one!

Gailzee said...

Thanks for sharing with us your boys and their unique personalities! I love the Mason the Smiglets! This will be priceless to them when they're older and want to know what they were like as 2 year olds.