Time to get back in the saddle.
Because I'm almost 8 months pregnant and I have a serious case of preggo brain, I'm relying on the memory card from my camera to help me review the past few weeks. Handy isn't it?
We've had snow but not much of it. The afternoons have been sunny and warm (relatively) - perfect for the monkeys and their spray bottles full of water/food coloring. I love that they can play outside...even if it does take eons to get socks/boots/snow pants/mittens/hat JUST RIGHT. These guys are high maintenance when it comes to their clothing. (Something my mother-in-law tells me they get from Matt :).
We've had snow but not much of it. The afternoons have been sunny and warm (relatively) - perfect for the monkeys and their spray bottles full of water/food coloring. I love that they can play outside...even if it does take eons to get socks/boots/snow pants/mittens/hat JUST RIGHT. These guys are high maintenance when it comes to their clothing. (Something my mother-in-law tells me they get from Matt :).
Smith, ready for action.
We bought our Christmas tree again this year. The idea of cutting one down is quite romantic. The reality, at least for us right now, is really unpleasant. I'm sure that could change as the boys get older. Let it be known, I prefer the store bought trees...they are so pretty and uniformly full.
We had a great time pulling out all our decorations, listening to Christmas tunes, and sipping hot chocolate.
Mason, Smith and I spent an afternoon making chocolate-covered pretzel sticks as gifts for their preschool teachers. I handled the chocolate dipping and my helpers were in charge of the sprinkles. Oh the sprinkles. Oh the mess. Anyway, it was fun to make the gifts together. I have been known to stay up into the wee hours of the night crafting teacher gifts by myself. Cursing all the while. :)
Mason and Smith sledding down the "mountain" in our backyard. Real thrill-seekers, these two of mine. Ha.
Ma and Pa Schuyler came up the weekend before Christmas. Aren't they cute? That Santa's pretty creepy...
We toured a local home all decked out in lights and inflatables. Look, there's me! A rare sighting.
They even had horses and goats for the kids to feed. Of my three, only Sawyer was brave enough to offer his hand to the animals. Heck, he probably would have ridden the horse bare-back if he were allowed. Cut from a different mold than the other two, that one is.
The grandparents showered us with gifts and affection, as always.
"I dead. I dead, Mom."
They all got guns that load/eject shells and make a shooting noise when the trigger is pulled.
They all got guns that load/eject shells and make a shooting noise when the trigger is pulled.
Candy Land was introduced into our lives. It's a great game for the 4 year-olds and since it takes about 10-15 minutes, one game before bed is just right.
As is our (recent) custom, we spent Christmas in Bozeman. Here is the aftermath. Thankfully, the monkeys didn't wake us up until 6:45a.m. Not too shabby.
We are in the superhero stage right now...more specifically, the Transformer craze. Optimus Prime (Mason) with his Optimus action figure. We've had numerous conversations that go something like this: "Mom, who would win the fight if Optimus fought ________(insert SpiderMan/Darth Vader/Batman/Megatron/etc)?" My favorite is when they asked about Optimus fighting God and we determined that since they're both "good guys", they wouldn't fight each other.
Love. this.
One Optimus Prime, one Bumble Bee, and one mix.
One Optimus Prime, one Bumble Bee, and one mix.
After a lazy morning at home, we joined Ma and Pa Myers at the Bedford's new home for a Christmas feast of surf and turf...and another round of Candy Land.
Two other wonderful happenings, although not recorded by my camera, occurred in the midst of the above. You can read about the Myers' Christmas celebration via the Perrine blog.
Taken on the Bedford's new front porch.
Such a great photo for so many reasons...great colors, great faces, everyone's looking and smiling, and such great people.
And that same weekend, I spent 4 glorious days in Colorado visiting my dear friends/cousins, Hannah and Joy. I have absolutely no pictures to prove this but many happy memories/stories. Ask me some time about leaving my purse, containing a wad of cash and my Blackberry, in the bathroom stall at a convenience store/McDonalds in some random Colorado town. Great story.Such a great photo for so many reasons...great colors, great faces, everyone's looking and smiling, and such great people.
Phew! Two whole months in summary. I'll leave you with this clip of Smiggy showing me his fighting moves while wearing his "speed" helmet.
Oh my gosh, I love it all!!!!
I laughed out loud numerous times at these pictures. I can just see Bumblebee/Optimus lifting his helmet to say "It's okay guys, it's just me!" Too much fun. Your family is so stinkin' photogenic! And the rare sighting of you was lovely, with all that long, blonde hair.
I just adore this whole blog. It warms and tickles my heart to get to see your family up close and personal. The pictures are priceless and the narrations so rich! It's like a real live moving scrapbook (that I hope you can be recorded on disc or something!) The boys will love seeing themselves as they age! Thank you for all your precious time and effort!
I meant...I hope you can save this to a disc or something...sorry!
I have been waiting so patiently for a blog update. ITS HERE. Love all of the masks and costumes.
Hey blondie! look at how great you look 8 months pregnant! I want to hear the story of losing the purse.....but I can already tell it makes my cringe. What a great update. can't wait to see you all in person sometime soon! (hopefully)
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