Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Ha! You were surprised to find an update so soon {relatively} after the last one, weren't you? I'm tricky like that.

A few weekends ago, I got to "take a date", as he would say, with my man Mason. Dad handles the golf, hunting, fishing, etc., - Mom rocks the treats and toys. First, we went to Barnes and Noble for coffee/cocoa and cookies.
Mason brought his "portfolio" along. He had some work to catch up on, apparently. His portfolio is a manila folder with lots of random papers (invoices and such from Dad's office garbage) stapled to each side. Love this kid.
Next, we headed to the toy store. On our way, we spotted a bucking bull that eats quarters. We obliged him.

John Lennon and Esmeralda.
Silly Fire-people.
Handsome Viking.

 In other news, this little punky is crawling, climbing, and getting into all kinds of trouble. However, his cuteness covers a multitude of sins.

The Tooth Fairy visited this monkey {twice}, as he lost both his bottom front teeth. (Picture taken before the second tooth fell out in his mouth while he was chewing. Blech.)
This guy calls the angel from our Nativity scene the Tooth Fairy. These are his doctor glasses. Note the baby behind him getting into something.

Also, I am driving a brand new, silver Chevy suburban. Wahoo! The hubs surprised me with that one afternoon. I love it.

But don't you worry, we've had strep throat, a stomach bug, and the babe had a lung infection, complete with steroids, antibiotics and a nebulizer machine, to keep me grounded. :)


Addie said...

Less than one month between posts?!! CAN IT BE?!

I'm so proud. Love those boys, love the pics of you, great idea for a date with one of your littles!

lanerdoo said...

Now you're just making me look bad... on the other hand, my day is starting off quite nicely and a surprise post by you makes it even better!
I love all of the silly photos of you a Mason, way to be in them sister!

Grammie Perrine said...

LOVE that you take your boy on a date! Good God, do NOT let any of my children read your blog...they will be forever scarred.

gailzee said...

This was just a joyous find for me tonight! Hannah added some new pictures to her's too! Thank you for all the time you spend updating and keping us up on what's happening with everything Schuyler!!! We love you!!

Laurie said...

It looks like you date could have happened at Party America, we have all of those crazy glasses and hats. I also cannot believ how much he looks like Matt did at that age. Brings back many memories.