Wednesday, January 16, 2013


There is one thing I will never matter my age, the weight of my responsibilities, or my maturity...when I am overwhelmed/sad/sick, I just want my mom. Pure and simple - nothing else will do when it's my Mom that is needed. She is wise and compassionate, reasonable and helpful, resourceful and always ready for a party. She is generous - especially when it comes to giving of herself.  She knows me - the real, big-picture me - like no one else. And I'm {finally} understanding the significance of that, being a mother myself, and knowing my boys as I do.

Over Christmas break, Mom was needed. Nothing particularly terrible was going on - just many overwhelming moments.  Let me be perfectly transparent here - I can put on a pretty good show of patience, gentleness and motherly wisdom but, without Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit, I am a fire-breathing dragon. Smoke curls out of my nostrils. Accommodating all 4 boys at home all day, stuck inside due to the cold, stuck at home due to sickness, constant discipline, whining/arguing/fighting...aaaaahhhh! I was at the end of myself and I prayed, "LORD, please help me! I need help." 

The phone rings. It's my mom and she offers to take Mason, Smith, and Sawyer {and Blake} for four days. Four. whole. days. And just like that, God answered my prayer and sent my Mama swooping in to help me. Again.

While Matt, Gunner and I enjoyed simple, restful days, my mom and the cousins {and sometimes my dad},
  • had a bonfire
  • played outside
  • visited the water park
  • soaked in the hot tub
  • built block castles
  • snapped silly photos of one another
  • read stories
  • "worked" in Papa's shop
  • rode the four-wheeler
And on and on - they had loads of fun. See for yourself:


Most of the photos were taken by the boys. Mom gave them her old camera to snap photos. 

And when I drove to Billings to bring the monkeys home, I was ready to take the helm as primary caregiver again. My "time-out" had served its purpose. And my mom was ready to NOT be primary caregiver :) .

Mom, thanks for swooping in to save the day...and for rescuing my children from the fire-breathing dragon! Thanks for being awesome. You are loved.


gailzee said...

This post was delightful! I sure remember those days when Parenting just got to be toooooo much! Monica was my mom away from home too! You described her beautifully. Vern wants us to be the kind of person that if we ceased to exist people would be bummed....that's "Momica" she makes all our lives better. You are sweet to acknowledge and share this experience with us!

Addie said...

Thanks for posting all those photos, so I don't have to! :) You ARE still a marvel of patience, and an encouragement to me. Love you, seester!

Cameron VSJ said...


I have a quick question for you regarding your blog, but I couldn't find your contact information. Do you think you could send me an email whenever you get a chance?


