Well, we find ourselves in July already. Oh, Summer...you are so wondrous and so wondrously short. Not too much to report around here...we're doing our best to enjoy these long summer days...playing outside, enjoying our inflatable pool, grilling 90% of our meals, dining outside on the picnic table, staying up late, sleeping in (is it wrong/sad that 7:30am is considered 'sleeping in' at our house?), scouring garage sales, perusing farmer's market, savoring the abundance of fresh produce, and generally just hanging out. Life is good.

I know I am slightly partial, but this is one good-looking kid, no? He's graduated from his Bumbo seat to a more stable booster seat. (He managed to rock himself off the picnic table in his Bumbo and I was sitting right next to him. Horrible.)

Classic snack-time chocolate milk. (These pints were on sale 3 for a $1. I normally just make my own chocolate milk, but presentation counts much more than it should to these 3 year olds.)
Independence Day

We headed up the road, camper in tow, to Canyon Ferry for the 4th. My parents and my sisters and their families and my family all congregated at a nicely-appointed cabin just a few yards from the lake. All together there are 14 of us counting Baby Perrine! Above, Grammie Monie satisfies SawDog's insatiable desire to walk. (Look, Mom! You made it on the blog :)

The men enjoying a hearty breakfast. The wine is still on the table from the previous night's dinner...we have a strict "no-alcohol-till-noon" policy while on vacation.

What do my monkeys like to do on vacation? Work, of course! Mr. Steve loaned them some tools so they could get some work done. (Mase)

Thrifty Finds

I love a good bargain and summer is the perfect time to find them. My sewing machine has been idle for weeks (months?) now but it's no matter...it's garage sale season! The above are a few examples of garage sale/thrift store finds. (The polka dot pillowcase was not thrifted but was on major clearance.) I will sew in the fall when it's not as necessary to be outside.
I don't know what to make of those alpacas! they are hilarious :)
Great pics of all the boys, you really got all the boys-scotty, rob, bing, matt, etc etc!
Reese, those boys are fantastic. I had such a ball hanging out with them this weekend. You must be cracking up constantly. And, as usual, we all appreciate you just THAT MUCH MORE after it took three of us to wrangle them, when we know that you do it YOURSELF every day. You are INCREDIBLE. I want to be you when I grow up.
Thanks for posting, sister. It made me miss you just a little bit more than I already do (can I really wait until Aug 28th?!).
By the way, could your kids really get ANY cuter?
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