Summer has been so good to us! It's hard to believe how much 'life' you can cram in to 3 months of the year. Summer in Bozeman is so. so. good. In March (and April and May...and sometimes June), we forget why we love it here. In July, August, and September, we remember why we love it here so much.
It's been pretty mild around here, weather wise. Perfect weather for running around our backyard, enjoying our inflatable pool, meeting friends at the park, and learning how to use the pedals on the tricycles...quite an accomplishment.
My sweetie and I recently celebrated our 6th anniversary and we had the pleasure of dining with Mom and Pop Myers as they celebrated their 34th anniversary. There was laughter, free-flowing wine, a few deer, a beautiful sunset, and homemade mud pie. Perfect.

Rather than fixing the hail damage on the van, we bought a (much needed) new washer and dryer. Love, love, love them. Bigger, quieter, more efficient, and more bells and whistles. Having a brother-in-law employed at Vann's is working out really well for us. :)
I found this mirror at a garage sale for cheap-o, spray painted it a nice chocolate color and hung it in the bathroom. Voila.
I got an organization itch one afternoon and organized the books by color. I'd seen it done in a Crate and Barrel catalog and thought I'd give it a try. I'm very pleased with the result - the yellow stack is my favorite.
**The banner picture is our centerpiece right now...hunting season is coming!
Fun times. I saw the washer dryer order on your fridge and enjoyed the comment"Show Reeese how to operate this machine". Well, I bet you are a pro at that.
Delightful. You can come organize my house any day :) Hooray for new washer/dryer (I have just what you need to make them even better!) Your boys are so handsome and getting too big. Can't wait to see you again soon.
Is it me or is that the happiest baby alive! He is always smiling! Your pictures are wonderful! I love the washer and dryer...great for those pee-pee panties! You guys are so cute! Just loved it all!
I'm glad to hear that Matt is occasionally a pushover. It's good for him. :) I love the idea of organizing the books by color! You're one put together mama, Reese! And remind me to never feed your children fudgcicles unless we are outside.
I just wanted you to know I am all caught up on your life now....I like to know when people are still reading :) love you!
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