The cool Fall air, the bright stadium lights, the band playing, staying out way past bedtime - it was all so exciting for our little buddies who have never been to a live football game. I think all of Bozeman came out to watch the game - and half of Helena. Both teams came into the game with a 6-0 record and it was a point-for-point game until the fourth quarter. In the end, the Hawks won 35 to 28. More importantly, Matt and I had the pleasure of being in the company of Mason and Smith (it's not always a pleasure, you know), engaging in an activity we all thoroughly enjoyed.

All night, he kept asking, "Where are the drums? Can we go see the drums?" I have long felt that the marching band is the highlight of a good football game experience. I was glad to be in the company of a cutie-pie who felt the same.

Mason was all business, of course. He watched and talked, and watched and talked. He was a bit distressed at having to leave his gun, hunting knife (a stick), and hunting drill (his own invention) in the car. "What if I see an elk?" he asked. Not to worry, no elk were sited.
Good times.
This morning, after not-sleeping-in, Matt set out to kill the elusive elk, the boys and I enjoyed a cinnamon roll and Sawyer honed his walking skills. Hope your weekend is full of fun, too.
good times, future Hawks, no doubt
How exciting to have all three boys mobile! Right? Are we using the word "exciting" for this?? I'm glad you didn't see any elk at the game, or he never would have let you live that down. Always be prepared!
I love that you guys did the football game - what a thing for the monkeys! Time with their parents doing something fun and exciting will always be a treasure, and hopefully not rare. Also: Saucy is mobile. YAYAY! And you are maybe a little bit toast. :)
Ah memories. Fall football always reminds me of our friendship, and the song "I can feel it coming in the air tonight" be Phil Collins.
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