Monday, October 11, 2010

It's Monday again!

Makeover Monday: Tangled Mess to TV Bliss

This is an all too common scene at our house: toys strewn about, monkeys in jammies, Sesame Street on tv. But I know that, all too soon, lounging in our jammies most of the morning will be a bygone luxury. In not-so-many years, we will all be rushing off to school, work, meetings, etc., and these days will be a sweet memory. So, for now, we are reveling in our slow, easy mornings. I am not, however, reveling in the media setup shown in the picture above and this cute video I couldn't resist sharing.

Our tv rests upon an end table we acquired with the purchase of our house. Our blu-ray player balances precariously on top of our stereo system. Wires dangle haphazardly underneath it all. Not only unsightly, but also impractical. Being a naturally curious little guy, Sawyer could not keep his chubby little hands off the player and pushed it off the stereo many times a day. We had to replace our HDMI cable (thanks, Rob) because it literally broke off the back of the blu-ray player. Something had to be done!

I purchased this little number at Target, online. It met our criteria:

  • cheap (Have you met my husband?)
  • designed to fit in a corner
  • sturdy
  • not an enormous entertainment center
  • compartments for speakers, stereo, blu-ray player
The one major drawback to the piece? Assembly required. Argh. On one of her visits, my dear mother-in-law sat with me, on the floor, gluing, attaching, ungluing, re-attaching, securing with screws, cursing, sweating, for many hours as we assembled this piece of furniture. She clearly loves me very much. As much as I hate assembling my own furniture, I can't imagine assembling it for someone else.

Fast forward a few months, and I finally got around to painting it the perfect shade of antique blue/green. Sherwin Williams has this great adhesion primer that sticks to anything - glass, plastic, fake wood - it was the key to my success in painting over the wood veneer. Blah, blah, blah, here is the finished product!

Aaaah. So much better...even zen-like. I am so very pleased with the result. (Not so pleased with how close my children are to the tv...oh well, makes for a good picture.)

Happy Monday to you!


Addie said...

I also like this. The color is so perfect - very you. Spa-like, cool, and crisp. The monkeys clearly get their dancing skills from you too? Thanks for the time today - you're one of my very favorite people!

Janelle Wilson said...

Well done, Reese! I have been searching for a "tv cart/entertainment center" alternative for months! It's amazing what a cute paint color can do. You're an inspiration!

Laurie said...

And I helped:)

Laurie said...

And I helped:)

Grammie Perrine said...

Your video cabinet is very KEWL... and I LOVE your family photo! So dang cute!

Hannah said...

We love the Dinosuar Train! I can sing the whole intro song, "once upon a time there was a mom, her name was Reese and she was super crafty..." You know it too I'm sure...