Happy Monday to you! Before I get into the makeover of the week, I'd like to share some cuteness with you.
I was unable to get all 3 boys in one picture - no surprise there. Two "huntin' guys" and a giraffe, along with a ninja (Blake), a dinosaur (Kale), and a monkey (Joel), hit the sidewalks of Bozeman to trick-or-treat. The cuteness factor was like 20 on a scale of 1 to 10. After every house, my guys would run up to me and ask, "Do we get to go to another house?" I would respond that yes, indeed, we would be hitting another house and they would squeal with delight. This exchange occurred after every. single. house. Fun was had by all.
Makeover Monday: Yellow and Gray (parts 1, 2, and 3)
Part 1)
Part 1)
I have a (large) stash of knit t-shirts that I no longer wear but keep around anyway. Recently, I've found a number of online tutorials with projects for knit fabric. I knew there was a good reason for keeping all those shirts.
So, I cut this yellow shirt into strips, grabbed a bottle of Fabri-Tac, and sat down in front of my computer to follow this tutorial.
A sweet yellow rosette. This is a great project to do while watching TV - easy and pretty mindless. Fabri-Tac is essential and wonderfully awesome if you don't want to use a needle and thread. I'm thinking these could adorn headbands, bracelets, pillows, cards, purses, etc. Or..
Part 2)
We have lived in this house no less than 2 years and I have yet to hang anything on the walls in my bedroom. There's already a lot going on with just doors and window - the small room has 4 doors and 2 windows (one door is the entrance, one is to the bathroom, and two are closet doors). I finally got over my reservations and adorned two of the walls.
We have lived in this house no less than 2 years and I have yet to hang anything on the walls in my bedroom. There's already a lot going on with just doors and window - the small room has 4 doors and 2 windows (one door is the entrance, one is to the bathroom, and two are closet doors). I finally got over my reservations and adorned two of the walls.
I nabbed this shiny metal mirror at a garage sale (thanks, Becca!), and it had been sitting on the floor in the guest room for months. Using a Hercules Hook, this project took 5 min. I highly recommend Hercules Hooks - they have eliminated the conflict Matt and I would have whenever I wanted to hang something on the wall. They hold an absurd amount of weight, do not require a stud or a hammer, and leave just a small hole when removed. Also, I have found baskets to be a great accessory for the top of dressers. My dresser top looks neat and tidy because all the miscellany is contained/hidden within the baskets.
Part 3)
My bedside table is a catch-all for everything - books, clothes, phone charger, loose change - and, therefore, not pleasing to the eye. Rather than address this problem, I decided to hang a cool print above the table to distract the eye. Sneaky, huh?
Part 3)
My bedside table is a catch-all for everything - books, clothes, phone charger, loose change - and, therefore, not pleasing to the eye. Rather than address this problem, I decided to hang a cool print above the table to distract the eye. Sneaky, huh?
I found this cool quail print here. I thought it was fitting...a mama quail with three baby quails scuttling along behind her. AND, it fits nicely with the color scheme I have going in the room.
Here's a close-up of the print. Picked up the Ribba frame from Ikea for a steal. I had some glare issues in my attempts to photograph it - you can see the reflection of me still in my pajamas. Nice.
Happy Monday to you!
Happy Monday to you!
I'd like to conclude this post with more cuteness.
I love your "makeovers". You are very inspiring, even if you stay in your PJ's all day. I love you and miss you so much! When can we take the kids trick-or-treating together?
Your pj's are cute, so you have that going for you. I too like the makeovers. You have a knack for finding cool stuff for great prices. I need some of that!
The cuteness was, well... cute! I love that the boys loved trick-or-treating so much. You guys are great.
Creative, lovely and charming... Go, Reese! PS The photo of Momica and your boys is adorable.
What a wonderful post! I loved the pictures of the boys! Go figure they would be BOW HUNTERS! What an awesome little giraffe!Thanks for sharing all your crafts and "Make- Over Mondays" with us. You are definitely the super Martha of Wildflower Way!
I love love ur wall color (the gray) would u mind sharing what color that is?
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