A few weekends back, we had an impromptu family gathering in Bozeman. Ma and Pa Myers and the Perrines joined us and the Bedfords for some good times.
Our fire pit is rather large.
He devoured it shortly after the photo...a burnt 'mallow is still better than no 'mallow.
I have pictures of everyone (excepting Rob who joined us periodically when he wasn't working) but me! I was there, however.
It doesn't happen very often, but we have a lot of fun when we can all get together. It really is no small thing when you can truly enjoy and treasure time spent with your extended family.
On another note...
It came with a mini tape measure, chalk line and level. I almost didn't buy it - since there was only one - but the price and novelty won me over. Have I regretted the purchase? Maybe...a few times. There have been a number of brawl's over whose turn it is to wear the belt. But my worker guys love it so much and they get so much work done around the house. Just the other day, they taped a dozen pieces of brown paper on my front door. And let me tell you, they can pound a nail into darn near anything. :) (I have, subsequently, searched online for something similar. I found an identical tool belt online...in Australia. With shipping, it would cost me more than 10 times the amount of the thrifted one. We'll just keep working on our sharing skills, thank you.)
He really doesn't care that one of the lenses is missing - what a champ. I don't know where my kids find these things, but they are always running about with sharp/dangerous/splintery/grimy/pointy things they brandish as weapons. Here Sawyer has a hollow metal pole of some sort and as he was pointing it at me, he said, "Gad guys! Gad guys!" (Bad guys).
Yahoo, we made the blog and what darling pictures you took! I will grab the camera next time and catch you on digital. You are such an ingenious mother with personal napkins,a mud kitchen, and s'mores on a weekly basis. Oh, and I got this amazing j Birthdat party in a box! Is that an edible piece of cake? Amazing! Love You!
STOP IT! You're too incredible... I want to do fun things, but usually spend my free time doing useless stuff. Sorry you didn't make it into any of the photos. I will be more diligent next time :)
I loved the boys basketball uniforms. All of those boys will have their own team.
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