This space has been much neglected...but for the best of reasons. Who wants to be sitting inside, in front of the computer, when there are so many fun things to do outside? Anyhoo, I know you understand. Here's what we've been up to...

After dinner one night, we loaded up the monkeys, fishing poles, and m&ms and drove up to the Hyalite Resevoir...a mere 20 minutes from our driveway. Mason is casting away, I'm chasing Sawyer around, and suddenly he shouts, "I caught one!" And, by golly, he had caught a little lake trout and reeled him in. He's caught fish before, but only with help. It was a proud moment for all of us. :)

Smitty was heart-broken that he hadn't caught a single fish by the time we had to leave. I tried explaining the incredible odds of Mason catching his fish to no avail.

Sawyer kept begging, "Try? Try?" So, we let him dangle the line in the water for a spell.

These monkeys-o-mine are playing outside any chance they get. Their play generally involves the hose, their tools, and guns. Ice-cream sandwiches were in order on this hot day. However, they have since informed me that ice-cream sandwiches are too messy and they do not want them anymore. Oi.

Matt is faithfully plugging away on our home projects. Thank goodness he has so much "help" around here.

This isn't the most updated photo, but you can see the new siding, paint, and front porch/gable. I'm toying with a bright blue, green or red for the front door paint color. Here is a
before photo if you need a reminder.

Independence Day was a big deal at our house. The big boys spent hours lighting off fireworks. Their dad even let them use punks to light them without help. Gulp.


The Perrines stopped by on their way to the coast so we enjoyed an afternoon of 'cousin' time. In a stroke of genius, I set this table up on the front porch for play. All 5 of the messy/loud/rambunctious boys ate their dinner outside, despite the rain. Glorious.

Twins much?
My boys love camping - and this photo was taken moments before they loaded up the camper and headed into the mountains with their mountain-loving-dad.

Pete and Kale joined them on this particular adventure on the Gallatin River. Three boys and two dads sleep quite comfortably in the camper.

Pete and the monkeys. We live in a beautiful place, no?


So, basically, we've been
- fishing
- fixing up our house
- camping
- eating ice cream
- enjoying these glorious summer days/nights with friends and family
Smith and MAson look so grown up. Wow. We are looking forward to your visit this weekend.
Wishing I could spend more time with you all. And camp too. Would really like a camping trip one of these days.
Otherwise, been working, watering, trying to get outside since MY boys generally refuse to do so, and cooking. Lots of cooking going on around here. Have you tried my rhubarb curd? :)
They are getting so grown up; lighting fireworks and fishing all alone! I love their adventurous spirit.
We have been driving, a lot. Playing by the ocean, lots of sandy laundry, fishing big rivers, drinking delicious coffee, playing baseball and scrabble.
I am just overwhelmed with the goodness and provision of God in all of your lives! I loved reading this wonderful post while still being over joyed with the arrival of baby Zeke! The Lord has been so gracious to all of us! God bless you all!
We've been hanging out with you and yours and it's been glorious. :) Also, if you're taking votes, I vote for a green door.
I love...Sunny Sawyer in a Window!
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What a wonderful family time - and those boys certainly keep you busy!! Love the photos, found your blog while bumming around sites on our town. Have a super Week! :)
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