Well, our "camping" trip was a raging success...mostly because we didn't camp at all. We all convened at a friend's cabin in Nye, on the Stillwater River...and reveled in luxuries such as indoor plumbing, queen size beds, air conditioning, and electricity. We are so hardcore.
The last time we were all (Myers, Schuylers, Perrines, Bedfords) together, for an extended amount of time, was probably Addie and Rob's wedding. We ate well and often, fished, napped, shot the bow, laughed, played games, and just enjoyed one another. I have to admit that this very pregnant- slightly uncomfortable, always warm, always peeing - Mama was very thankful for a bed and a bathroom...and the AC. In a few short summers, we will be camping as often as possible and really enjoying it with our kiddos...just not this summer, I guess.
Once again, I have shamefully few pictures to document the weekend but I'll share what I've got.

Monkey #1, Smith-gee, making funny faces in the car on the way to the cabin.

Monkey #2, MayMo, also making a funny face and giving a thumbs up to shark fruit snacks.

Blake brought many weapons for my boys to covet, but he was quite generous and M and S shot the bow and shotguns as often as possible. (Mason)

Here Grammie is teaching Smith how to aim and shoot at unarmed civilians...mainly Papaw.

I can't tell you how many times I was called upon to untangle the line on a distraught little fisherman's fishing pole. Totally worth it though, to see my little guys trying to be just like their Dad.
On another note...
Some miscellaneous little things I'd like to share:

I found this Thermos brand lunchbox at a thriftstore the other day for $2 and converted it into a travelling coloring pail.

Paper, crayons, and aprons. The monkeys love to open and close it and because of its shape, they call it "mail". Looks like a mailbox to them.

Home-made pesto is the besto! I have
thought of making my own pesto many times but never
attempted it...until yesterday. Turns out it really is very easy and very delicious. The recipe I used called for pine nuts but I didn't have any so I used walnuts instead and toasted them in the oven to strengthen the flavor. Basil, walnuts, olive oil, garlic, salt and lemon juice - stick it all in the food processor for a bit and voila! Presto pesto. (Couldn't resist.)

I scored this paint-by-number painting of deer at another thriftstore. I'm thinking it will go nicely in the monkeys' room. They think the two without antlers are deer and the one with antlers is an "eh-uk", elk. I have more thrifting treasures to share but I don't have pictures yet. Something for you to look forward to. :)
Yay for pictures.....and even in your uncomfortable pregnancy you are being innovative and creating things, I don't do that ever. But I think I will make that pesto!
Homemade pesto IS the besto! Just make sure you get the garlic all ground up, because biting into half a clove of THAT is very hot.
Not that I've done that... except I totally have.
Reeseekins! It's so endearing to hear you refer to the boyz as little monkeys! I love monkeys and I think they are funny and mischievous in a monkey sorta of way! I love the pics of Matt and the boyz. I am so happy that the "camping" trip went much better this time! Can't wait to see you today!
Love Gailzee
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