Friday, June 29, 2012

Much has happened since G's birth. Life does that, you know, it just goes on. Roll tape...

These two handsome fellas are taking golf lessons. We gifted them clubs for their 5th birthday. (Yes, they turned 5, which seems awfully big to me. In a nutshell, we went bowling, it was fun and exhausting and they requested brownies rather than a cake.) If you ask them, they will tell you that golf is their favorite sport...for now at least.

Georgie is 4 months old and continues to be a eating, sleeping, smiling, and being awesome. And get this, he's got blue eyes! And so far, he doesn't like a pacifier or suck on any of his fingers. Who is this kid?
We've had several bonfires already, complete with s'mores, grandparents, cousins and fireworks. M and S scour the house and garage for anything that can be burned and then watch it burn with delight. I'm scared.
 We took the training wheels off M's and S's bikes hoping they would take the initiative and learn how to ride.  They've taken to riding Sawyer's tricycle instead. Sawyer doesn't seem to mind. :)
Matt took the older two monkeys on the first camping trip of the season. They met Kayla and Papa D up on the Boulder.

The trip was cut short by rain but just long enough for all the essentials...s'mores, fire, pancakes and fishing.
Silver (Sawyer) is Gunner's biggest fan. He reads him stories, holds his hand while we're driving, entertains him while I'm exercising/showering/cooking dinner and tells me daily, "Mom, I wuv Gunner."
Oh look, there's me...taking my own picture. 
I am... happy to NOT be pregnant  
...digging this Mama-of-4-boys gig 
...getting a full night of uninterrupted sleep 
...soaking up all the sweet goodness of my baby 
...reminding myself, " The days can be long, the years most certainly short. 
Hold them close and love them." Amanda Soule
...back to my kettlebell workouts and loving it
...enjoying the Message Bible translation - it's so refreshing
...90%happy for and 10% jealous of my sisters for having baby girls :)
...scheming a weekend away (with Gunner) before bow-hunting season begins

Despite the trouble he caused us at birth, this kid is easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy. Thank you, Jesus. His current nickname (by Dad, of course) is Gunn-swah or Ginn-zio. I've taken to calling him Georgie. Sawyer calls him Gunnie.
This guy dons a cape and Batman mask, grabs a gun and handcuffs and fights bad-guys all morning. If you don't have a resident superhero at your house, you're definitely missin' out.
Summer is such a magical time. Especially if you're a 5 or 2 yr-old boy with an acre to explore just outside your door. Don't we all have fond memories of our childhood summers? The days just aren't long enough for all the adventuring. With this in mind, Matt and I are doing our best to relax the routine (the routine that keeps us sane during the looooong winter months) and let the magic of summer reign. 
For us, this means bedtime is later, jammies/cartoons stay on for a good portion of the morning, we shoot things with the BB gun, carbonated beverages are offered on occasion, ice cream has been dolloped on breakfast cereal, we play hooky from church for a fishing adventure, bonfires, fireworks, frozen yogurt for afternoon snack, and so on.  Kindergarten looms in the distance and with it a school-day routine. So, we're reveling in the freedom and flow of these summer days.


Laurie said...

Yeah for summer and for a blue eyed boy. I also love all of the other guys at your house too. And their mama. Thanks for the post.

lanerdoo said...

Awesome post! I dig your humor and the flow of your thoughts. Your boys are just precious and I am guessing that in a decade or so, we will be jealous that you had all boys! And then we will send our hormonal tweens to you for a much needed break ;)

Gailzee said...

Oh, you girls just crack me up! Those pics of the boys are just adorable! How wonderful and fun are you making their summer! I love peeking into your lives!

Janelle Wilson said...

The boys are blessed to have summers like the one you described! They will look back on these memories fondly forever! The pictures are all fantastic - I can't believe how chubby G is getting and how tall and skinny M and S are becoming! Lanky lads indeed! Love and miss you all!

Grammie Perrine said...

Love stopping by for a virtual visit and getting to know your wonderful family! Pure JOY!